
Why do Atheists target Christians and not other religions?

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Atheists never seem to harass Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, or others. What is it about Christianity that is so threatening to them?




  1. because for the most part its christians who try to push thier views the most. its just pushing back. how many buddhists or jews pick at athiests? ive seen some muslims doing it on here but usually know one can tell what they are trying to say.  

  2. Buddhists are typically relatively peaceful people. Most of the Jews on here are nice, too. They even have an alliance with the Pagans. I haven't seen that many Muslims on here, but I have witnessed some hostility from some of the ones that I have. The Christians are the most violent of those ones, though. I'm just speaking from experience. The ones on here are so very hostile. Well, some of them. I have noticed a good number of gentle ones.

  3. Says who? Anyway, we do not "target" anyone. We are the ones under"attack" by Christians, whom seem to be relentless in convert everyon, including Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, (specially them) and all of those whom seem to disagree with their beliefs.

    We, and I'm speaking correctly, just "deny" the existence of any "God", and the only ones whom seem not to accept our "belief" system, is the godamn Christians.:)

  4. Nothing threatening at all.  I just find that a lot of you are annoying and obnoxious.  About as obnoxious as this question.

    @kina, you generalized in the same breath you said you do not generalize.  How ironic.

  5. Because of those you mentioned, the only ones who have ever harassed me are the Christians.

    The first two in particular don't ever bother people or come across as "I'm better than you." The third I've never had an religious encounters with. But then, they are a minority in the U.S. too so maybe they mind their own business.

  6. "Why do Atheists target Christians and not other religions?"

    The beast that goes down to the pit; who was slain with a sword but was made to live, its death reserved for the day of judgment, it has influence in all of mankind's heart (all have sinned) .

    Some will joyfully follow without knowledge as to why, some will follow believing a lie some will struggle against said influence.

    Without hope death is just a formality.

  7. Most of us were Christians before becoming atheists... And I say same things to any one who seems to delude themselves with some notions of god, regardless what religion they belong to. Here Christians seem to dominate so...

  8. Well you are asking atheists who are on Yahoo R&S. That means we are largely from English-speaking countries where Christianity is the majority (like the US).

    Most of us grew up in or around Christianity and it is still local. We are most familiar with it and its infuriating aspects.

  9. Wrong.  We "target" no one.  We stand up to believers whatever their faith.  It appears to be against christians in western countries because in those countries christianity is dominant.

  10. Well, it's because those other religions don't give me any reason to harass them.

    Then again there aren't any Jews or Muslims or others living in my area, so I wouldn't know. But still, Buddhists give me no reason to bother them, unless I wanted to pick on them being vegetarian.

  11. Christianity is probably the most common religion atheists are exposed to. I'm not saying athiest are smart or anything but generally, in western cultures, people tend to rebel against the system because they feel they can express themselves better (rightly so, I say) and also because of the more advanced education. Whereas in Asian cultures or other religions people don't feel like they should "rebel against the system" so they just pretty much follow the crowd. So... In conclusion, Atheist are just more exposed to Christian culture due to there upbringing and what-not so it's easier for them to find reasons to "rebel" and follow science.

    That's my view on it, hope it made sense.

  12. Because most or all of the atheists here are from the US or other majority Christian country. Naturally atheists would target the religion which dominates their own society.

  13. Well, I have a problem with Christianity because it's part of their belief that non-believers are evil and will go to h**l.

    I don't like any religion that includes me without asking.

  14. Most of the other religions tend to stay to themselves aside from the extremists and don't try to force themselves upon others

  15. Because only Christians feel the need to push their religion on others.  I'm Pagan and have never had a problem with anyone of any other religion but Christianity.  In fact, I'm very interested in every other dug your own grave.

  16. I would assume that it has something to do with the fact that no one has ever uttered the phrase 'Praise Buddha or your soul will burn in h**l forever.'

    None of those groups give answers (or questions) that order others to convert.

    Doesn't make it right, but it's true.

  17. A:  There are far more Christians than the others, at least where I'm from.

    B:  Christians (again, where I'm from) are the most vocal, the most in your face, the most argumentative and the most annoying.

    C:  You just don't see Harri Krishnas and Jehovah's Witnesses like you used to so it's Christianity's turn.

  18. actually, your question can be rephrased to include other groups:

    why to ALL non-Christians target and put down Christianity?  

    the fact is, Christianity is offensive to non-Christian's because it points out the truth of their actions.  Non-Christians of any other believe want to be their own gods, they don't want anything else judging them or telling them what to do and not to do (even if it's for their own good!)

    So, the answer is...  Christianity is always the most targeted beacuse it's the only one that is true.

  19. Well I'd hate to break it to you, but we don't preach that all non-believers are going to h**l. Whoever told you that was lying.

    However, all of your insults against God and the faith in and of itself will be judged accordingly.

  20. Two reasons why many Atheists are found to argue only with Christians.  Firstly, in America at least, if a person is critical of a religion other than Christianity then they are accused of immoral and racist.  However when people target Christianity no one seems to have that reaction.

    The second reason is the biggest one though.  Only Christians attack Atheists.  Only Christians are threatened by Atheists and only Christians attempt to convert Atheists.  Only Christians put their religion in American courthouses and schools where it doesn't belong.  The result of this is that Atheists focus their efforts against religion on Christianity.

  21. From WW2 Jews, Gypsies, Jehovah's witnesses and many other were targeted and killed in concentration camp.

    Palestians were targeted by some political Israelis.

    Muslims to date have been targeted and labeled terrorists

    Buddists have been hunted down by the Chinese before and during the Olympics as well as the Fulan Gong movement

    It's been bad for every one from every religion

  22. The majority of the religious doctrine forced upon most of the atheists you will talk to here is Christianity, hence the general hostility, and also knowledge thereof.

  23. I can't speak for all atheists, only for myself.

    But to venture a guess, I would have to say that it is because Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and others don't try to stick their religions down my throat, wear their religions on their sleeve, or whine that my kids are no longer forced to pray to their God while they are in public schools.  Neither do adherents of any of those other religions frequently call on atheists to answer a question and wind up picking a non-answer as the best.

    If and when a person who professes some religion other than Christianity to be the ultimate truth and that I will burn in whatever h**l their generous God created for me, I will tell them the same things I tell you.

    You see, it usually goes like this.

    Christian- "Atheists, why don't you believe in God?"

    Atheist- "Because there is no evidence that any God exists."

    Christian- "No evidence?  Look at ______________!!"

    Atheist- "That is not evidence, and is not convincing to me because of _________________!"

    Christian- "Why are you so bitter against God?  Why are you attacking my religion?  You are going to wind up in h**l if you don't think like me."

    Atheist- "Look, you baffoon, if you hadn't initiated this conversation, I would be happy to let you believe in your Cloud Fairy."

    Christian- "That's not true.  Look at how you guys stopped the Pledge of Allegiance in schools!"

    Atheist- "That wasn't because of atheists, Stupid!  Jehovah's Witnesses were the ones to file that lawsuit, because they only wanted to pledge allegiance to than the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and not God, or the country, or the flag.  I don't believe in Bigfoot either, and for the same reasons I don't believe in your Sky Pixie.  And NO, I don't hate Bigfoot either.  Now...GET OFF MY PORCH!!!!!"

    El Chistoso

  24. I don't harass anybody.  I only fight back against those who harass me.  In this country it's Christians.  I've never had any problem out of Jews, Buddhists, Muslims or others.  Maybe if the Christians would leave us alone they wouldn't have any backlash from us.  

  25. it is probably different for each one. but one reason i know of is because many people are spreading lies about my Lord and God. God is not about money, or power, or lust, or greed, or anything worldly yet this is what they see. God is not about hate, or self righteousnesses, or pride, or condemnation. God is not about doing a ritual or spending thousands of dollars on vain stuff like buildings, and cars, and plains and other things like these.

    God is about the heart. God wants your heart not your money or useless rituals, or vain prayers. God wants humility and sincerity and Faith and most of all LOVE!

    if the true gospel was actually preached to the world everyone would know who God was is and always will be. many would still refuse His gift but maybe some would see and understand and come to know Jesus.

    my hope is that this will happen and the truth will be known.


  26. I wonder this myself sometimes. Yesterday someone quoted several things from the first five books of the bible. These are considered the books of Moses and are found in the Torah. I asked the poster why he didn't direct his question to Jews instead of Christians. All I got was a thumbs down. Go figure.

  27. You don't see jews singing "MY GOD'S BETTER THAN YOUR GOD! MY GOD'S BETTER THAN YOURS!" do you?

    Exactly! They're ******* d bags!

    I'm not atheist but... I don't believe in anything. (No that isn't atheist. Atheist believe in not believing. I just don't believe in any f*cking piece of sh*t you can throw at me... except for the fact that GOD IS MILK!)

  28. I'm an agnostic, not an atheist, but I generally only bite when bitten.  And sadly, it's usually christians who like to bite.  And radical muslims.  See, the thing is that atheists feel threatened by people who try to push unsubstantiated beliefs on people as if it was scientific fact (especially when it tries to deny science and logic and write it off as "faith").  I've never personally seen any buddhists, hindus, or even jews make an attempt to persuade me to their system of belief's and then when I refuse, ostracize me for it and say I'm going to h**l (scare tactics).  And while I realize that not all christians practice this, many (I mean a lot) do.  Most religions are practices which teach people to better themselves and help them find inner peace, like buddhists and hindus and jainists, etc.  It's only christianity and certain sects of islam which seem to feel that inner, personal peace can only be had if EVERYONE ELSE agrees with them.  Which is a little offensive, to say the least.  But unless you try to convert me or judge me or say "Well, you NEED to follow christ" or anything ignorant like that, we'll be fine.  And so long as you don't attempt to argue christianity by teaching children that logic and science (the things that advance us as people and help all mankind) are lies of the devil and that things like the existance of bannannas are proof of god's existance (Yes, this is an actual argument from a christian.  His name is Kirk Cameron, you may have heard of him....).  Peace.

  29. You don't know me very well do you?

    If any of those groups wants to push their religion on me and my government you bet ya I will speak up.

    I just don't see people going around saying this country is based on Buddhism, Islam, or Judaism.  As soon as they start.....

  30. That is an interesting question, and as I see it, there are two main answers.  First of all, the term "Christianity" takes in a lot of territory.  Historically, much of what has passed for "official", mainstream Christianity has been little more than christianized paganism.  Atheists are only too happy to point out the facts surrounding the way state-sponsored, "orthodox" Christianity seemed to be suffused with pagan religious concepts and practices.

    The second factor, however, is that Biblical, "primative" Christianity is very difficult to attempt to refute, and a lot of effort must be expended (on the part of atheists) to explain it away.  Stop and think: even non-Christian, antagonistis sources demonstrate that the claims of Christianity were well-known during the time of the early church's formation---people were even willing to face execution rather than recant their faith.  There were so many eye-witness accounts by people willing to die for the cause of Christianity---why would they do that for a fairy tale?  Paradoxically, it takes a lot of "blind faith" to be an atheist---which is why so much time and energy is expended in trying to explain away the claims of Christianity and still sound half-way credible...a daunting task to say the least.

  31. Because I live in a country where the largest part of the population is Christian.  It's Christians who do most of the violating of the separation of church and state in the US.  If I lived in a country with a Muslim majority, I'd pick on Muslims more than anyone else.

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