
Why do Australians refer to American Football as "SISSY" Football?

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The NRL vs. NFL who would win?




  1. bcs they wear tights

  2. NFL without a doubt!

  3. Because they wear nancy boy padding. And girly tights. What a bunch of handbags!

  4. Because they play their football without sissy pads.  Let's face it, American Football was created by rich kids at ivy league colleges so that they wouldn't get hurt playing real football: rugby.

  5. Because of the padding, and the tight pants.

    This is what real men play...

    Rugby league.

    Besides a rugby league player pretty much has to be competent in all aspects of the game, wheras the average American footballer only has a certain job to do, kick, be a fat blocker, break up a play, most of the few dozen players on the team aren't what could be called a "well rounded athlete".

  6. No you have it bass acwards, it is Aussie Football that has a bunch of poofters and Nancy's.

  7. look what he americans wear they have to wear padding i once heard a top ranked nfl player asked if he knew what afl was and he said we must be game there aint no way hes playin with no padding. After the interview the commentator said what a sissy.

  8. have you ever watched rugby that s**ts rough no pads no helmets.I once herd they use rugby players for crash tests in Australia now that's double tough.

  9. They do?  How rude of them!

    You must admit, you are somewhat anti-American.  C'mon lighten up, let's just get along!

  10. because all them americans have 2 get padded up and every thin before they can take a hit......

  11. It's hilarious that rugby or Aussie football fans think of it as "sissy football," because the collisions in American football are far more vicious than you see in either of those "non-padding" sports.

    In Aussie football, you never have a guy standing back in the pocket just waiting for a 260-pound linebacker to destroy him, or a receiver coming across the middle at full speed to be greeted by a safety.

    I played several variations on the sport throughout high school and college, and there's no doubt that American football is a tougher, more violent sport.  If those guys didn't wear pads, there would be deaths every week - if you doubt its toughness, just look at the injury report every week.

  12. because they think vanilla ice is still cool...

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