
Why do Black people make such a fuss over the slave trade?

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I know it was nasty to use slaves, but the Jews got slaughtered, tourted, burned to death, gassed and they buried them in mass graves. They don't go on freedom marches. They have tried to move on, make progress. But black people constantly bring it up. I am not meaning to come across as racist, but why don't they move on make a little progress.




  1. Sweet!!!! Since slavery isn't so bad, can you be My slave?

    Slavery is bad because there are Black people walking up and down these streets, and for all I know, they could be a long lost cousin due to our ancestors' families constantly being split up. Slavery is bad because 300 years of bondage is still effecting the American Black population!!!!!!!!!

    edit: 300+ years of slavery

  2. blacks suffered longer since the late 1600's. The europeans destroyed africa by taking their land and claiming it as theres, giving them diseases and were messed up as a people because of it.

  3. 1. Jews actually do speak openly about the Holocaust

    2. The holocaust lasted 5 years, while slavery lasted 450 years.

    3. Segregation was a sequel to slavery and didn't officially end until 40 years ago.(Even though many people still go through racism)

    4. You don't think black people went through the same thing? During slavery days 2 black people were hanged on a noose every week.

    Did you research any of this? Or are you just talking out of your ***?

  4. Because the  people who perperated these crimes were punished and they are now treated equally.

  5. Most have moved on, but they are still some who haven't.  If you took time and went through history, I believe that at one time or another we were all slaves.

  6. Africans were slaughtered, tortured, and burned to death as well. They were at the absolute mercy of their masters and the master could rape, beat, work and kill them as he pleased and was protected by law. Horrible things happened to both groups of people, and both have made progress since. You're acting like black people haven't moved on. We most definitely have, but we will never forget, just like the Jews will never forget the Holocaust. When you forget history, events tend to happen again.

  7. i know we should think more of the future than the past

  8. if you don't know your past you have no future

    & history repeats it's self

  9. Because slavery didn't end too long ago, and blacks are STILL feeling the negative affects.

    During slavery, black families were torn apart, and today, black men are still reluctant to take care of their children, because their father wasn't around, and their father wasn't around....and it all traces back to slavery.

    Also, althought slavery LEGALLY ended, it still wasn't about a whole century later that segregation ended (mid-1960s). So although blacks were no longer slaves, it took about 100 MORE years to get the rights we were told we had.

    This day in age, many blacks feel America is just an unfair country. It has been and it will be. So they've given up on their dreams. That's why they turn to gangs and drugs and everything.

    Lastly, this country was founded by rich white men with rich white principles. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and all the others felt women and other races were unimportant, so their opinions about the foundations of America were never sought.

    That's why it's easier for white men to get ahead, and women and minorities tend to struggle. White men have a pass card and are clueless to why it's so hard for others to get ahead.

  10. Uhhh!  How about around 1500 years or so more recent? (the n**i issue was isolated to Germany and Germany is still paying to correct that and make restitution)

    Plus another difference. Put 10 Jews in a crowd of 100 and let's see you pick them out without making a circumcision check.  Blacks cannot conceal that identity.

    150 years since slavery ended in the US and there is still a mighty long way to go for equality.  They don't want a payoff for their great great grandparents being slaves. They want equality in schools, employment and courts. Till they get that I support every march and protest they make.  And I am about as White as it gets. Pure Swiss and Viking blood. But no way I go with Aryan superiority.

    Until everyone is my equal, it is I who is inferior.

  11. Let us also remember that 2000 years ago most of the, then known world, were slaves of the Roman empire. Whilst slavery is no longer considered acceptable, the people who are enslaved learn new things which can be passed on to new generations.  

  12. First off I would like to say, that America is a very young country. 100 years ago we were still using a horse and buggy for transportation.  54 years ago the KKK was still lynching black men in the deep south. 22 years ago The Miss America pageant gave u your first black woman to be crowned Miss America. We have made much progress!

    You also have to realize that slavery ended in this county 10 generations ago.

    The problem has been opportunities. When opportunity is allowed blacks have proven they can succeed and excel at all levels.

    Ask your government why they keep bringing it up in the form of racial profiling. Research that and you will see all the forms racial profiling  comes in.

    You bring up the Jews, Most of the Jews that came to America, were European Jews, which many were able to assimilate into the white culture of the United States, some even changed their names.. Unfortunately blacks cannot  assimilate, eventually we will, as the black community becomes more open to inter-ethnic dating.

    I challenge you to grow, and experience more of the history of your country, the current events of your country, Than you can make a more sound and mature judgement of a group of people.


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