
Why do British go to France to buy up properties and live there ? Do they prefer the french life ?

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Why do British go to France to buy up properties and live there ? Do they prefer the french life ?




  1. My parents went because they hate it!

  2. It would be rather strange if they did so and didn't prefer it.

  3. Its for the weather.  It rains a lot in England when it is sunny in France.

  4. I am from the UK and came tolive in France, with my family nearly three years ago. Here are "my" reasons, based on my experience in my area.

    I have bought a house here, I could not afford to do this in the UK Saying that, if prices were the same in the UK I would still have moved here.

    I can enjoy driving again,  no queues, better roads, cheaper fuel, no car tax.

    I feel free

    I like the work/life balance.

    My daughter is having a much nicer life.

    The children have respect still.

    The people have respect.

    I have a better social life.

    The weather is real weather, proper summers and proper winters.

    Certain things are cheaper, certain more expensive.

    Yes I prefer the french life.

  5. Personally i have a property in Cyprus and much prefer it there than France, so we're not all the same :o)  But i think it is the life style that attracts you to live/move anywhere...

  6. The weather is better and the houses are cheaper. And I guess it isn't that far away from where they came from.

  7. Life is cheaper and simpler there with the added bonus of being a few minutes train journey away.

  8. I think they go there because the housing is cheaper they can buy bigger places for the same price!!

    It is also because it is easy to get to and from so they can catch the eurostar if they want to visit people still in UK.

    Oh Yes nearly forgot that the Cost of living is cheaper aswell...Cigarettes, booze, dining out ect...ect.

  9. Because France is like the UK, only better. I am half french and live in the Aquitqine region during the summer. It offers great food, a splendid countryside, awesome food, world class wine and friendly people. The standard of living us just much higher in France and the atmosphere much more relaxed.

    Although I must admit that I would not enjoy it as much if I could not speak french fluently. In general, you dont get far with english on the other side of the channel, especially in rural areas.

    C'est le "savoir vivre" qui fait la difference.

  10. I'm English and have been living in France for the last 18 years. I came here quite by chance as I was doing a degree in French, came for the summer... and stayed. I loved French culture, the language and the lack of importance given to material things (at least here, in the middle of the countryside). I still don't own property here, so that was not one of my reasons for staying.

    I now work in the "fonction publique". In my job, I regularly come across people who have moved here from the UK in the hopes of a better life. I had a hundred or so Brits who live in France fill in a questionnaire about their reasons for moving here. The main reasons given were... the countryside, the "way of life", the comparative lack of delinquance, the weather... and the price of property.

    However, it is not as easy as people would like to believe. After living on the profits of the sale of property in the UK, people eventually realise that they have to make a living one way or another. Not easy... especially in a rural area... and without being fluent in the language. So many people move to France without speaking the language... something I find difficult to understand !

    Then, there are the Brits who simply transport their British way of life over here to a better climate, don't try to learn the language, don't integrate with the French at all and carry on the way they would if they'd stayed in the UK. Again, I find this difficult to understand.

    Je pourrais continuer longtemps comme ça car c'est un sujet qui m'intrigue... Si tu veux plus de renseignements n'hésite pas... !

  11. Cheaper housing/cost of living.  Oh yes and that is where the illegal immigrants sneak into England from, so there are none in France!!!

  12. I think they are just sick of life in the UK. I got out years ago and won't go back.


  13. Probably because the French stand up for what they believe in instead of complaining bitterly and doing nothing!

  14. I think it is because of the weather and the food. I have lived in England before and three-quarters of the year, the weather is dreary. Damp and cold. The food is also very plain. England is a nice place to visit but France (especially in the south) is a better place to stay.

  15. probably because its too expensive to live in england now i cant even afford a 1 bed flat in my area because they want £110000 for it, thats y am moving to the canaries in a few weeks

  16. Presumably they do, otherwise why would they move over to France.

  17. I have not done this, however, I do have friends who have, and I quite envy them.   They have a choice of wonderfully old and charming farm houses out there. With lots of land, space that we no longer seem to have in LITTLE England any more.

    The weather can be kinder, the countryside is fabulous, the natives are quite friendly, apart from in the Ports, where they are fed up with drunken tourists staggering around their HYPERMARKETS, and who can blame them?

    From this experience to be fair, and typically English, I was not struck on the French until I visited my friends, who live in a small village in land, where I made a lot of friends over there whom I do keep touch, so again, we must not generalise.  

    And yes the french way of life has its positives to, healthier

    diet, splendid health care, and excellent schools, you just need to be flexible and above all, learn the lingo!

  18. Provocation

  19. The weather, the food, the cost of living in the rural areas, relaxation and peace and quiet! I'd go there too if I could speak French and get a good job!

  20. I spoke to one of them recently.He had moved because of his being totally fed up with his country.This man had moved his whole family to France and was farming.I think his motives where not political although he disagreed with british involvement in Iraq and certain laws in the U.K. He was lucky to buy a farm at the right time I think.British have moved to France for ages so it is nothing really new.You might find french moving to Britain but not that many since they would abhor the food.

  21. I think the british countryside is absolutely beautifull....But the cost of living is tremendous. Just look at your council tax! Remember that poor granny who could not afford to pay it, they almost threw her in gaol (they did, didn't they?). So what's the message in the UK? You love it, you worked your whole life there, you may have fought for it... but the truth is Britannia is not a real Lady and does not give a d**n about her people. I'm not saying the continent (Europe) is better (indeed, Mariane and Britania are  the same kind of thugs) but the quality of life: public transport, access to health, choice and prices in supermarkets, taxes, G. Brown, T. Blair and even the conservatives work for the UK. not for the british people.

    We now live in Tescoland, eat greasy crisps and drink Coke... Going out to a restaurant will cost you an arm and a leg for some horrible stuff, you could do much better yourself... So stop looking abroad, it should be time to improve life in the UK

  22. it is because they are being forced out of their own country by all the foreigners and assylum seekers who bring crime and dieseases and also get treated better than british people do ie get all sorts of benefits grants clothing vouchers cars golf lessons free football match tickets, when has brits ever got anything like this, when was the last time a homeless tramp was ever given a clothing voucher? never this is why people buy abroad but the mps dont like to admit it.

  23. I think it's because  life is much cheaper.

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