
Why do British people act as if they're the only ones with a monarchy?

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They say it symbolises their country and is unique, yet other countries also have monarchies like Japan and Sweden




  1. It is you who is saying it, not us. However, and I make no apologies for the fact, the British Monarchy is the most famous world wide. Most of the European Monarchs are related to our beloved Queen, who is considered the doyen of Monarchs. When Our Queen visited Holland (who also have a female monarch), the Dutch Radio referred to our Queen as "the Queen of Queens". Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

    Vivat Elizabetha Regina

  2. There is an increasing number of Britons who wish we did not have a Monarchy, the only thing they symbolise is greed and corruption

  3. monarchy sucks. Follow us, the American way. We realy don't worry about that kind of stuff. That why we rule!

  4. We don't, you Americans assume it's the only Monarchy. I can't tell you how many "Why is England (should be UK) the only country dumbo enuff 2 hav der monrky?" questions I've seen.

  5. The British do not act as if they're the only ones with a monarchy.  What the British people do is act as though they still have an empire and can boss everyone about, including the Americans.  Oh, by the way, 1776 and all that - that was just round one.  Wake up!  Who's side are you on anway?

    The morning after 9/11 HM Queen Elizabeth sent the band of the Grenadier Guards marching down the Mall playing the American National Anthem all the way.  The signal is clear your Majesty, we're with the Americans, in spite of the fact that they foolishly think they're in charge when it's plain for anyone to see that UK is top dog.

    Massed Bands - Brigade of Guards - Queen's Birthday


  6. I hate the monarchy.

    It is purely symbolic anyway.

    It is the most publicised though, in mitigation to those who think it is unique.

  7. We do?

    Oh well i'm sorry to have offended you

  8. And the people of each of those countries think that their Monarchy is the most important in the world.  I live in Thailand where the Royal Family are without doubt the most important Royals to Thai people.

    By contrast the British Royal Family has to suffer much criticism and lack or respect which would not be tollerated in other countries.

    Try that in Saudi Arabia.

  9. NR4L, I don't place the blame on the Brits, I place the blame on all of the non-Brits who think that the United Kingdom is the only place with a monarchy.

    Most countries with royalty are most concerned with their own. That's fair and a given, however, plenty of Americans, Canadians (even though Elizabeth II is separately Queen of Canada) and others focus only on the "British" monarchy to the exclusion of most or all others. Most North Americans, however, know about Monaco because of Grace Kelly. This is all due to the influence of the Western media and the Anglocentric attitude that sometimes crops up.

  10. British people don't act like that. It seems like that because Britain's royal family is the royal family mostly in the media.

  11. We don`t.

  12. I had no idea that we did,well,isn't that strange!

    How dare you think that our country is the only one with a monarchy Dude.

    Oh,I'm sorry Dude,I wont think it again.

    I should think not Dude.

    There,all's well that ends well.

  13. No other monarchy has influence over such a great part of the world. Check how many countries are in the Commonwealth.

  14. I'm British and not once have I ever uttered the words "Our monarchy symbolises my Country and is unique".  I don't know anyone else who thinks that either. Most people I know don't even talk about the Royal family!!

    I think you have been misinformed.

  15. I was not aware we did think the monarchy symbolises our nation

    Most Brits under 50 couldn't care less about them ,at least that's the impression I get

  16. I didn't realise that we did act that way.

  17. They do?

  18. We do? First time I've ever heard of that. My fellow country folk must have been keeping that attitude a secret from me.

  19. To encourage tourism from countries where they don't have monarchs.  It probably also dates back from the time when the British Empire was so large.

  20. why would they say it's unique? it quite obviously isn't. i live in england, and ive never once heard anyone say that.

  21. You are so wrong. having been on Yahoo answers the questions coming in from other countries about our royalty sometimes feel as if they have an obsession about them.

    We know that there are other Royal families around the world especially Europe as they are related to ours. As another answer says, yes I feel that each familly is special to that country. They get a lot of critisism how would other people like it if somebody slagged off their familiy . It is not nice.

  22. How do they `act` precisely!?

    Do we go around with a Union Jack badge on our lapels?

    At least half the British nation are not particularly interested in the Monarchy. And many despise them.

  23. I guess because they think they're hot.  If you have that attitude, people just naturally believe you.

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