
Why do British people have such a funny accent?

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Why do British people have such a funny accent?




  1. the english found america so its actually you guys who have weird accents. lol u put funny sneers in words and its soooooooooooooooooo cringy lol i feel sorry for you. :)

  2. Well - as Jimmy Carr puts it - technically, it's not an accent, that's just what the English language sounds like when pronounced properly.

    It's the standard pronounciation of the English language, and practically everyone around the world tries to use it as a reference point when learning English.

    In comparison, what most people in the US speak is just a very tortured gibberish. But since most Americans are blessed with being ignorant and self-involved, they don't notice....

  3. We don't and we talked this way before your country was even "born"'s you lot that sound funny to us!

    BTW Taco...our country goes back a few thousand years whilst yours goes back a few hundred, so you may have your facts a bit wrong there...

    Arrrghhhh...I've been rick rolled!

  4. I f you put all British people in the same linguistic bag, you ain't heard nothing yet! And don"t look for reasons! Just dig it!

  5. Its how the English language should be spoken , big clue being the word English , i think you will find that it is the Americans that have made it sound funny.

  6. Which accent are you referring to, we have hundreds!

  7. Its like most countrys diferent areas have a diferent diolect the same as any country yours may sound funny to the brits but its fun to have this as if we were all the same it would be boring.

  8. cause they all talk like this guy

  9. Erm we can't help it you know

  10. There are many differing regional accents in Britain but I can't think of any that render me in stitches.

    It may just be that they are unfamiliar to you.

    Do you laugh at accents or do you simply mean that they are different?

    You should know that Received Pronunciation is the standard of British English broadcast throughout the world and is the most recognisable form of English globally, in that respect it is considered as the standard (fewest regional peculiarities) and not at all funny.

    I imagine that most people throughout the world would consider your accent as "funny" (or at least regional).


    british people used to talk like Americans but they thought that the language sounded very ugly and wanted to change it to sound pretty like French and Italian. They decided to make long a's to a "aaah" sound, take away the sneer in words like "here" and make  them softer by dropping the re and pronouncing it "heaah". by that time American colonies had already gained independence from the british so they decided that they would keep it the same as a sort of sign of defiance

    I cant remember who it was that changed it, i wish i could.

    BTW i know that Britian is older than America, i mean no duh but their accents came AFTER the colonies were established when someone (totally forgot who it was) decided that American accents were ugly so to make it sound prettier they did that

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