
Why do CFL energy efficient 15watt bulbs not last as long as a normal bulb?

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I'm always hearing about these stupid spiral bulbs that supposed to last 3-5 years, but I use them all the time and theyre always burning out, and if Im working on my artwork they just dont get bright enough, Or if you walk into the bathroom you could stubb your toe on something because the light has to like charge for a second before it comes on. I think they would be good for outside street lamps or something that runs all day long, but indoors they suck. What do you think?




  1. The only thing I can think of as to why you are have your cfls burn out so fast is that you are putting them in a restrictive space up in the ceiling and upside down; this would heat them up drastically reducing there life span.  The first generation cfls where designed to be used in lamps or some place with good venting as not to build up heat.

    Look for the new ones or ask the sale staff which bulb would work best in the location that you are using them.  The newer cfls are nearly instant on, can be dimable and come in different cold temperatures.  This would certainly be useful for an art studio.

  2. I have some that have lasted for over 20 years.   Not used that much, but when they are, they stay on for long periods of time, like they are supposed to.   An ordinary bulb would be better for the bathroom or fridge or anywhere the light will be turned on and off frequently.   For any lights that are left on for long periods of time and doesn't use a dimmer a CFL would most likely be better.   I've never found they burn out faster than the incandescent ones when used as they were designed for.

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