
Why do Canadian hockey fans think they are so much better than American hockey fans?

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Why do Canadian hockey fans think they are so much better than American hockey fans?




  1. why ... would you believe that? (cool name, though).

    lol, 288. i'm glad that you keep coming back. (despite all the haters).

  2. I think its pathetic that you think were all like that.

    Once again...

    One person, One canadian fan- Does NOT  represent us all. Even if its more than one, is doesn't mean the rest of us are like that.

  3. well can you blame them when someone asks a question like this?

  4. Hi

    They have nothing on us Alaskan hockey fans. We are the best hockey fans out there.

    Thank You

  5. ok turn on espn in the states barley any hockey they rate farve sayn hi to his coach over some incredible nhl free agent signings now in canada all there sports shows is hockey U.S fans gota realy look for hockey news id know im huge islanders fan (we got weight and strait)

  6. As a Canadian, I don't go about thinking I'm inherently better than an American hockey fan.

    With that being said, a greater percentage of the population in Canada supports the NHL (and really, hockey at all levels- Major Junior, AAA, etc.) that you see in America.  That's not to say that American's don't support hockey (fans in America who do support hockey are great fans and should be afforded every amount of respect and admiration); but the numbers don't add up to where they should be.

    Hockey is our national game here in Canada, while in America, it seems like it's either baseball or the NFL.

    Participation is significantly higher here than in America; young, old, male, female...doesn't matter.  

    Spend some time in the Canadian heartland; go to a small town and visit the locals; it's not "we're better than you", it's 'this is our game'.

    Canada supplies over half the players to the NHL, it's clubs supply a disproportionately high amount of income relative to the 24 American-based clubs, tickets in most Canadian NHL cities are quite hard to come by (and here in Toronto, it's d**n near impossible), and yet...whenever expansion or franchise relocation comes up, it's always to another American city that has zero hockey tradition, history, or passion.  

    None of this means we're 'better' than anyone else, but maybe an ounce of respect for OUR history, OUR traditions, OUR game...that's all.

  7. Well, they don't. at least i don't think they do.

  8. They dont.... thats only the French Canadians!

  9. Um, I think you are mistaken.  I think I am better than any Canadian fan...lmao, kidding.

  10. We do? Since when? Where's your evidence?

    LOL NIPS!!! Here's something that'll support your theory.;...

  11. because in most places they are. The fans just are much better and supportive.

  12. Because they have many ice ponds during the winter and few sports they can enjoy is ice hockey. It has become their national sport like our baseball and football. They are taking a great pride in their ice hockey prowess thus involving their fans into a frenzy. That's a same reason why they have a great ice skating team. If Canada was south of our border, they will have virtually no interest in ice hockey. Only exception is the Jamaican bob sled team in the olympics. Did you see the movie, it's very funny and entertaining but based on a true story.

  13. What does it matter what anyone thinks? Canadian or otherwise?

  14. The same reason that USA ers think they are better baseball fans

    #1 it IS their game

    #2 they probably are

    #3 they definately are

    I live on the border with Canada and Hockey is a big deal around here and several of my family have had great success in the game....but hockey is like religion in their may be some exceptions, but generally speaking the average Canadian hockey fan is more intense and knowledgable than the USA ers. It is a good thing and you should respect them for it and give 'em a break while you may be a "better" fan. So what, it is friendly to let them think they are better maybe when you play hockey trivia, you can show off by having more right answers or maybe you can yell louder at the next game....

    or say something like "the defense men should play the man and not the puck" like my uncle always said.....

  15. Hockey in Canada is like NCAA football.

    It's not that we think we are better fans, we just hate Gary Bettman. Everything he does is to benefit the American teams. Latest example the Winter Classic. That started as a Canadian thing.....I think it was awesome last year with Buffalo and the Pens, but time to bring it back to needs to switch countries every year, and should have one team from each country most years(but not all). There are American teams struggling worse than the Jets or Quebec did but he is not forcing them to move. He was the reason the sale of the Pens was blocked only because the owner wanted to move the team to Canada.....great for the Pens.....but why can't Canada have another team. He has out right said IF the league expands again it will be in a place like Las Vegas......but we have cities in Canada that are screaming for a team and can support it better.

    I will end my Bettman rant before I bore people.

  16. I have to agree with "cdn24fan" - there are knowledgeable fans in both Canada and America.  There are passionate and die hard fans in both countries too.

    But as a whole, I think that hockey is much more popular in Canada than in the U.S.  

    I hate to say it, but here in the U.S. (even in my home city of Boston, where one of the Original Six are) hockey takes a back seat to the other major professional sports (except perhaps Major League Soccer).  

    Back in the 1970's, when the Bruins were "The Big Bad Bruins" hockey was huge here.  But that has declined, and even in the early 1990's when they had a fairly good team and even went to the Cup Finals - they were still second fiddle around here.  

    Even in 06-07 in the dead of winter when there was nothing but hockey and basketball (and the Celtics were in last place) there was no Buzz about the team at all.  The Red Sox truck leaving for Spring Training had better coverage!  

    Don't get me wrong - they draw a good crowd at the New Gahhh-den...but TV ratings...totally suck and the sad thing for me, a huge Bruins fan...nobody really cares.

    EDIT: Great points "Leafsfan29"

  17. Where did you get that idea?  I am a Canadian fan and i don't think that way.

    Look at this board, there are knowledgeable fans from both countries.  In fact I don't know the nationalities of a lot of the fans on here.

    A knowledgeable fan is a knowledgeable where ever he /she is from.  I do not tolerate idiots that well and yes we have plenty on both sides of the border.

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