Actually, I'm personally getting sick and tired of America taking such a hit over terrorism and our response as a people. If you know anything of the American history - which, as a Canadian you do, since you all sit back on ride so much on OUR backs - you would remember that by fighting so d**n hard to win our own freedom and enforcing individual rights instead of being directed by a main religious entity, we also made a promise to bring Democracy to others in need. Allies are important, much more now than ever, because too many of YOU are so quick to point the finger and accuse America of "interfering" for other reasons. Unfortunately, there are other countries that are practicing genocide and homocides - women, children, the elderly, and anyone else that gets in their way, and America has become "gun shy" to get involved without large numbers of allies. You fight fire with fire.
Too bad that so many Americans have also forgotten this.
Oh, by the way, what has the Canadian government or the Canadian people done in the way of helping Uganda, Rawanda, and any other needful peoples?????? At whay point have you extended yourselves in any significant way? What's your contribution to peace, ending hunger, etc.? If so many of you have better ideas, where are they and why aren't you fighting to be heard???