
Why do Canadians put up with 1/2 rate health care?

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It is apparent that socialized medicine in Canada is a failure. So why don't the people vote out the politicians who force this miserable system on them?




  1. Because they think it is the best in the world.  The government propaganda machine is very effective.  The voting in better politicians thing is difficult.  It took the Liberal party laundering taxpayer money to into the party coffers and running a trainwreck campaign to get a Conservative minority elected.  A lot of people just vote the same way they always have without thinking of the consequences.  

    To be fair it is pretty good if you have a life threatening injury or disease.  But if you have something that won't kill you any time soon be prepared to wait forever.  We had the first twenty four hour wait in the emergency room here a few months back.

  2. faiure? move to the States!

    do you watch the news .Did you reLIZE A TEENAGER DIED THIS YEAR in the states because her parents health insurance which they pay for decided her liver transplant was not important !!!! It cost 10,000 ...In canada serious cases get rushed immediatly .I was rushed to the hospital last year and it was an emergency at midnight two surgeons were called in and I immediatly had my surgery done !!!

    You don't like it move to the states no one is stopping you

    You should find out more about the costs in the states ,and its failures !!!

  3. Because life's too short to put up with the hassles the insurance companies impose on their customers south of the border.

  4. We like our system. Did you know that some provinces even have a mandatory insurance that allows you to have the medications covered too? In Quebec, when we are sick and need medication, we pay the first 25$ or so each month and then it's free. I'm very fortunate, I never had to use it, but I know that if I get sick, I can get my medicine and still buy groceries for my kids. It's not one or the other.

  5. LMAO

    oh how ignorant you are

    the Canadian health system works just fine

    i have NEVER had to wait for treatment nor have a had to outlay cash to get treatment,and the treatment i have received has been first rate and i am an not Canadian but a permanent resident here

  6. If it is so much of a failure ,why was Tommy Douglas named the greatest Canadian?

  7. I think you are misinformed.

  8. In response to Baviello, I thought Canadians had to pay for their dental coverage? When I lived there about 10 years ago (permanent resident at the time and entitled to full halthcare coverage) I had to pay for my own dental bills. Has this changed?

    By the way, I never noticed any substandard care while I was there. I picked my dr, got in to see him in a timely manner every time etc. My family all live there and have never had any complaints either...

  9. Never been to Canada have you?

  10. 1.Because it's free.How's this for a scenario. Even minor surgery in the states cost an arm and a leg. My friend pays 600$ for a dentist visit WITH insurance. For someone that doesn't have insurance with a major operation its either let the person die,or sell the house. Instead in Canada its wait one month or two wait.meanwhile get free care and medication. tisk tisk ignorant american citizen.

  11. I agree with the other posters... You have been missinformed. I hope you find the time to do some reading! :)

  12. I can't complain. I had cancer. Four days after the diagnosis I was in chemotherapy, and the entire treatment--surgery, chemo, radiation--7 months' worth, cost me about $200 for some drugs. I wasn't even paying my medical plan premiums till a month before my diagnosis, and if I had been, it would have been about $30/month. How much would that treatment have cost me in the US?

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