
Why do Capricorns make Leos feel so lonely even when there around?

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I have a Capricorn friend and i love her too bits. But when im talking about love she doesn't seem to connect, when were talking it feels good, but sometimes it seems like she doesn't seem to care im there.... So why is it that they make us feel so lonely, even though someone else like a Libra will make us feel like we are needed and wanted when where around but with a Capricorn even if there nice, it feels like there not giving us enough, and when there sitting right next to us, or hugging us, it feels as if theres nothing there? (some brief history, ive liked her for a long time, but she doesnt really seem to take any notice of that, but she admits that she doesnt delibarately make me feel like s-h-i-t, it just happens, so i guess its her star sign to blame).




  1. I don't really agree about the not trying to show love or affection.

    i have a really great Leo friend and I let her know that I appreciate her as a friend by helping her out with her love problems, or self-conscious problems, and by helping her out means that i care about her.Could u explain how it seems like ur there when she talks to you?But i have to agree about showing their weakness thing.I don't agree about the being in control of love thing.Anyway, u are pretty right about her star sign.Try getting closer to her and observe how she acts toward other people, if u observe a Capricorns actions closely you can really see and understand how she communicates and what makes her feel comfortable.It really works, this is how i make great friends.


  2. With the exception of some Capricorns I've met, Capricorn *in general* doesn't like the idea of love and affection. Whenever things get too personal, they back away, afraid of showing possible weakness. They prefer to be in control of things and "love" (should you believe in such a thing) is something which cannot be controlled. So they prefer to avoid it.

    Leo needs that affection that Capricorn fears. They need it like they are a bottomless pit that needs to be filled. Since Capricorn prefers to be in control ~ especially about their emotions ~ they cannot possibly show their emotions? Even though deep inside, they do feel them. That's why Capricorn often seems so distant and cold and unnerves Leo.

    I think your friend does care, she's just afraid to show it. I also think it's not such a good idea to "just blame her star sign". It's not just her star sign. It's her personality. She can change her behaviour, but don't force her to change it just so it will make you feel better. Try to understand why she does it; like I said, not all Capricorns are the same. Maybe she has different ideas about affection than you and she thinks she's showing enough affection.

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