
Why do Catholics and Protestants seem to hate each other?

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Conversely, Logic there are a lot of Catholics that *hate* and look down on Protestants




  1. Oh, come on!  Real Catholics and Protestants do not hate each other, except maybe in Ireland.  In the US, nobody really cares unless their Fundamentalists or lunatics or both.  It's the Catholics and Protestants on HERE who hate each other.  They are not like the real everyday ones.  And, some are trolly-monsters who just are trying to cause anguish for each other.  Please!  Do Catholics and Protestants in your neighborhood actively fight with each other, or just say "hi" at the 7-11 when buying newspapers?  

    Edit: Logic, I do know and understand that, and have been to the south at times, and do know the history.  My point is that there are some folks on here whose view of the world is being formed by the people on these forums, in terms of the vitriolic hatred that is open and constant that would not be seen in day to day life.  I still do know also, that the KKK are exceptions in the South.  Most of the south is becoming pretty generically American.  They can keep Mississippi, though.

    Edit:  Gaaaaaaa!  Sorry... Guess I'm not getting 10 points on this one.  Ugly is right, though.  I was expressing a general concern about people here, not specifically to you.  I just think we also need to give credit to the congregations and parishes that are not hateful, of which there are also many.  I should go back to the Biology forum, huh?   Sorry again.  Peace.

  2. I am neither a Catholic nor a Protestant, but an Orthodox. I feel that the reason for the fight between these two factions are mainly because of the arrogance of Protestants. They ignore many teachings of Jesus. Jesus has taught us not to judge others; but Protestants' main hobby is judging others. Jesus also taught that he, who is not against us is in our favor. Catholic Church is God's own church and why should Protestants stand against them? At least they can consider that they are not against Jesus. Protestants shall never inherit the kingdom of God, and I feel that many Pagans will sit in God's kingdom.

  3. It's about politics now, not religion.

    I was in Ireland this summer.

    Read about it. Henry VIII, England, etc.

  4. Cause the ones that hate each other get the most attention.  

  5. Somehow, the conflict between Protestants and Roman Catholics seems analogous to the conflict between the old Soviet Communists and Germany's n**i party. They're really all @ssholes, but they're so caught up in the intricate details of their bullshit ideologies that they can't see the big picture.

    * Vince, in the American south there are still a lot of Protestants who hate Catholics. The original Ku Klux Klan was vehemently an anti-Catholic (and anti-Jew, anti-Black, etc.) organization, and many Southerners still share that attitude today.

  6. Protestants actually dislike Catholic clergy, much more than they dislike Catholics, in general.

    Truth be told, many (most?) Catholics aren't too fond of the clergy, either ... but Catholics realize that some sacrifices are simply necessary, in life.

    Once these types of issues are properly brought out into the open and dealt with, it becomes a lot easier to concentrate on Jesus Christ.

  7. Vince sounds pretty real to me.  It depends where you are from, I guess.  You mention joining Catholic groups and being in a Protestant church, so you should have even more insight than us.  

    Of course it's out there.  What I hear Vince saying is that if you look at our society as a whole, people are buying newspapers in 7-11 and saying hello to their neighbors.  

    There's hatred of everything in different circles, but I still believe that it's the exception in most peoples' daily lives.  

    On the other hand, I'm an ugly old drunken Canadian hippie, so maybe I just don't see it.  Or maybe I choose to live around and hang around people who don't hate.  Maybe that's the solution.  Leave the haters lonely.

    And don't hate answerers for their opinions.

    Edit:  Did Vince hit a nerve?  He got 2 comments already.  He wasn't necessarily referring to you. It could've been to other readers/answerers/questioners etc.

  8. Both believe that their opposition is the wrong sect

  9. I think Becuase protestants do not believe it's right to pray to the saints and Virgin Mary as if they were God's themselves, this cuases alot of friction between the two religions.

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