
Why do Celebrities only date Celebrities?

by  |  earlier

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I mean why don't they date a regular guy or gal, give us a chance in the spotlight. There are alot of attractive people other then well known names out there. I know Liz Taylor, one of her past husbands was an average guy. But it is rare that a celebrity would even notice average people.





  2. Because they are familiar with the schedules and things going on with another celebrity. For an average person it can too much attention too soon and their privacy gone.

    Something like that

  3. publicity

  4. the only people they can meet without people shrieking in their face

  5. because most the non-celebs would only be intersted in the money. they would try and have kids as soon as possible, then the celeb would have to pay child support, after they break up. celebs dont want to risk the phonies from the real people that dont want to do that

  6. who said they did

  7. I guess they feel like there on the same playing field.. They don't have to worry about them being there for there money..

  8. they don't. sometimes when they date a normal person that person gets famous. not all celebs only date celebs. plus its because when they work in the business together, they become attached. like angie and brad were in a movie together and got together. so it works like tha...

  9. because thats who they hang out with. celebs cant really hang out w/ "normal" people w/o being flocked by fans who want autographs and stuff like that. they are always around other celebs...

  10. so they can feed off of each other free publicity duh

  11. Well, Kathy Griffin's ex-husband was just a regular, guy, but then again, she considers herself to be 'D-List'.

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