
Why do Channel 7 insist on repeating the swimming all night?

by Guest57457  |  earlier

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We saw the races during the day, there are plenty of other Australians competing that channel 7 are ignoring?




  1. It's all about product endorsement. The media will help the product/entertainment industry capitalize on the swimmers success. In addition, skin.........s*x sells.

  2. it has a lot of australians in it that are breaking world records and its a lot more interesting than some other events

  3. I know it's annoying i saw the same race like 3 times over! and the news just adds to the annoyance I hate it. I just change the channel :P

  4. "it has a lot of australians in it that are breaking world records and its a lot more interesting than some other events"

    how do we know that, we don't get to even see any other events ?

    God I can't WAIT for the swimming to end, then what will channel 7 do .. oh no.

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