
Why do Chinese people call black tea "hong cha" (red tea)? Do different cultures see colors differently?

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My chinese instructor said to me that the color of tea to her was red. She asked why do the British call a red tea (hong cha) black.




  1. It was red before the leaves were dried.

    The Muse

  2. The Chinese see color the same as everyone else, though their language is more specific with the definitions of different gradients of what you would call 'red'

    Red in China means as bright a red as you can possibly have. #FF0000 Anything less than cherry apple red will have a different name.

    Why the British refer to it as something else, that is a mystery I guess. I have no idea.

  3. Also, British people are probably refereing to the difference between black tea and tea with a spot of milk which turns a cafe colour.

    Chinese people are comparing the brewed red tea to the brewed green tea.

  4. Not that they (British and Chinese) see colors differently,  it has to do with the frame of reference.  

    I believe black tea refers to the color of the tea leaves while "hong cha" refers to the color of the tea (drink) itself.  

    You'll see this yourself if you put black tea (leaves) in water.  The tea (the drink) actually looks reddish, hence red tea.

  5. It is red when brewed properly, I soppose it's called black because of the actual colour of the tea leaves when dried and processed.

  6. No, chinese do not see colours differently. I'm Chinese and I can see red, black, pink, you name it! I think the Chinese call black tea "hong cha" because they brew the tea leaves differently. (Hey, I don't know much about tea!)

  7. I don't think it's literal.

  8. becouse the red tea ( vital, earthy ) thing, will  not be seen as the coloured substance, but first as leaves, black?

  9. As what Dave C said above, "red" refers to the colour of the drink.  There are 8 classes of Chinese tea, green, black, red, white, yellow ..., below is a link with photos for your reference.

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