
Why do Christians always get so belligerent...?

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when anyone has a different opinion? So self righteous. I mean, if they truly believe, why does it bother them so much?

It's my 'soul'. I should do with it what I want.




  1. Doing as you wish and believing what you want directly disagrees with their religion.  Some may say that their belligerence is because they want to save you from h**l.  Most Christians did not freely choose it.  It was given as a prerequisite to their social and family acceptance.  Therefore if you choose to look at logical and conflicting information about the origins of Christianity and other religions you are a blasphemer.  Their lynch pin is that you have to accept the magical resurrection of Jesus.  Even though it happened in many other religion on Dec. 25th.  Its all astrological history telling wrapped up in a myth.  For a christian of good standing to even consider the FACTS about their religion would mean excommunication.   In my opinion their anger is a product of their desire to repress information.      

  2. I don't get belligerent...most of the time.  :-)

    But if I posted something where I encouraged everyone to pray to know the truth like I do, how many rude responses do you think I'd get from atheists here?  Be honest.

  3. i don't. you should be happy that someone loves you enough to tell you about the love of Christ.

  4. Christians don't have the power to d**n you to h**l. That is a personal choice that is up to each individual to make. There are eternal consequences for your decision. No matter how you look at things, and no matter what you believe or don't believe, you will have to face God on judgement day. Drop your pride and arguing and start investing in your eternal security. When all is said and done it will be you and God. What then will you say for yourself?


    Sarcasm, on the other hand....

  6. Anger is always the first reaction when a delusional person's delusion is threatened.

  7. I'm just here to answer questions.  If people don't want Christians to give them opinions, they shouldn't ask for them.

    Edit:  Aha!  So, it is really you who want to control our opinions.  Maybe the belligerence you see is only projection from you.

  8. Why does it bother you so much?

    It is harsh... sometimes the truth hurts :(

  9. I find that many people in general are hypocrites and can't stand it when people point out their flaws, but think it's their place to judge others, when it's obviously not anyone's job but God.  

  10. I don't think it is fair to group Christians into a category and say that they all act a certain way. I am a Christian and I share my belief when I feel led to. If someone does not want to listen that is their right. As a Christian I am commanded to share the gospel but I am not commanded to cram it down someones throat. I think any Christian that tries to force feed the gospel to someone has misunderstood the scriptures. Christ and the apostles did not force anyone to listen to them but they spoke to those that had a willing heart and open ears. As you stated it is your soul and you may do with it as you please. I do have to say that it does hurt me when someone does not believe because I know what awaits them in the future. I think that anyone that truly loves another would be upset if someone was doing something that would be harmful to them. For a Christian, who is supposed to be love and live in love, it is hard to sit by and not say anything when you believe that the choice that someone is making is one that is going to lead them to total separation from God for eternity.

  11. I'm a christian, but also understand that everyone has the right to choose their beliefs. In the Bible.. it does say to spread the word of God.. but it also says not to judge and to love everyone. I guess the latter two tend to get ignored sometimes.

    It does get old. I don't go to church anymore because the judgement exists WITHIN the christian church also. (and with me being a single mom, with a pierced tongue.. ooohhhh lawdy - I've apparently already reserved my spot in h**l) Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying all christians are like that.  While I do recognize stereotypes, and understand that they are there because a large amount of group A fits this stereotype.. and a large amount of group B fits that stereotype.. I'm also not stupid enough to believe that everyone in group A is a certain way.. or everyone in group B is a certain way...

    There are good and bad people in every single race, religion, etc.. It just boils down to a few bad apples giving the rest of their group a bad image.

    But it would be nice if people could just live their lives with an understanding that everyone else has the right to live theirs as they wish. And that nobody has the right to judge anyone or to feel that they are better than someone else.

    Me personally... your life and your choices do not affect my life and my choices. So it's none of my business and I have no right to say anything.  

  12. well, to begin from my view point its not so much that they care who it belongs to.

    1.the bible commands to spread gods by being so concernd with your soul thats what their doing.

    2.if they didnt inform people how would they know? beliving they should at least tell people that heaven or h**l is their choice.

    bottom line; its most the important decsion of your life.

    to be saved is A B C

    A: ACCEPT that you need jesus in your life.

    B:BELIVE. that he rose from the grave 3 days later.

    C:CONFESS that like every other person on earth you are a sinner and ask for forgiveness.

    its not a hard prayer. simply ask jesus to come into your me you will no once he does.if not maybe it didnt happen. keep asking, it will happen if its from the heart and you mean it...

    ending thought....say you dont belive in heaven.and i do... if i die and it dosnt exist and i was wrong then nothing will happen to me.

    but if you die and you were wrong and it does exsist then your in quite a promblem since you would be facing h**l forever.

    like i said thoe...its your choice.

  13. I agree it is your soul.  You should do what you want.  Now why would slander this Christian and say what you did?  Bigot.

  14. I think that those who wear their Christianity on their sleeve and erupt when challenged are typically a bit insecure about their own devotion to their religion, and/or lacking in knowledge about their religion, to the extent that they feel like they are being backed into a corner when presented with alternative views.

    I think they feel defenseless, and think that raising the volume of their voices will somehow mitigate the lack of knowledge.

  15. The athiests started it. No more good advice from me. all im gonna do is get on here and try like h**l to ruin your day. LOL God bless. *****

  16. ignorance

  17. Because they need converts to their delusion to keep it alive.

  18. A Christian who knows the Truth will set Mormon souls free from Satan's grasp. Jesus said:

    John 8:31-32 (King James Version)

    King James Version (KJV)

    31Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

    32And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

    John 8:36 (King James Version)

    King James Version (KJV)

    36If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

    John 14:6 (King James Version)

    King James Version (KJV)

    6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  19. I don't know, why do Atheist get so belligerent?

  20. Atheists are pretty belligerent too. instead of damning my soul to h**l, I have had atheists insult my intelligence and be generally rude. As a matter of fact, I predict, with high probability that some atheist is going to write an insulting comment about my answer, or the answer of some other theist.

    Why? I believe this is human nature and the anonymity of the internet helps. Although I have had several atheist being "belligerent" to my face before.

  21. Sadly the fault is justification.  

    Everyone leans to their own understanding and with the confusion that avails contention arises.

    I appologize if the LDS faith has been belligerent.

  22. True, you guys don't d**n our souls to h**l and fire, and the Christians who do so are wrong in doing so.  They aren't being very Christian when they do that.  I think all in all everyone gets belligerent when they feel that what they hold dear in beliefs is threatened, or when people threaten them for their beliefs.  I get belligerent when people claim all Catholic priests are pedo's, it's not true, only a small percentage, not even a full percent behaves incorrectly.  And when the Eucharist is attacked.  I'm sorry but to me, it's a physical attack on Jesus whenever anyone desecrates it.  But that's just me.  I won't d**n people to h**l for it, I'll just let it be known that I disagree and it doesn't make me happy.  In fact I feel sorry in a way for the people who feel a need to attack others beliefs, because it seems that they are justifying their own beliefs at the expense of others.

  23. whats belligerent, but besides that point why do atheist always get so "belligerent"

  24. i would like to state for the record that i am neither christian nor atheist. in my almost one year of experience in this looney bin, 98% of the most vicious invective i have received, including three suspended accounts, has come from atheists. so how does my real experience fit in with your assertion?

  25. We don't condemn you, you condemn yourself when you reject your creator. All we are supposed to do is tell you. If you don't believe, then we're to leave you alone. I feel no need to be belligerent to those I already know aren't interested. Like you said, it's your soul...

    It's really that simple.

  26. Yep is your soul you can do what you want but hopefully you won't regret it later.

  27. Why do atheist ALWAYS generalize?

    (Just a little pun intended)


  28. Its like waking a sleepwalker, it can be dangerous if they don't open their eyes right away.

  29. I am neither an atheist or Christian. You are generalizing. Every Christian on the planet does not get in your face. all atheists do not get in your face. Did you ever stop to think that you may be eliciting this response from them? If you get the same reaction every time you ask a question like this, then think about it. It is not how to win friends and influence people. You are being just as belligerent as anyone else. Like the gentleman that answered below, I have been around here for 2 yrs, and I have never come across a belligerent Christian. People believe what they believe, and trying to change their minds is not going to do any good. Just like we could never change your mind. It is extreme when someone says they will "d**n your soul to everlasting fire and pain.

    I know, because I was raised a conservative Baptist, as my father is a Baptist minister. I bailed on that when I was 13.

    Conservative Baptists are Christians, but they are not damning souls to h**l.

    Learn not to generalize so much. Then you won't be so confused. People react to your actions and words, so keep in mind it is a 2 way street.

  30. they dont get "Belligerant". they are genuinely concerned for you. if you read your bible, you would know that it is every persons job to spread the word of Jesus and let people know him. that is the way that nobody will be sitting in h**l saying "poor's not my fault i am here. i don't deserve this.i never knew about one ever told me." you know what, you are is your soul and you can do what you want with it so on judgement day, your choice will be your choice and your judgement will be a consequence of the choice you made. your own choice. learn the definitions of belligerant and self righteous. really learn what that is. christians are not either. some could be, just from the point of fact that they are human. but most are neither. they want to share the word of god with you and teach you what will ultimately leave you with a much better life and a definately awesome eternity.

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