
Why do Christians and muslims oppose scientific education?

by Guest33833  |  earlier

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I've never seen Hindus, Buddhists opposing scientific education for their children!




  1. U r wrong!

    Muslims never opposed scientific education, i don't know where u got this idea about us?

    Muslims made the science of Algebra which is originally an arabic word, also chemistry comes from arabic.

    Search for these names to b sure: Ibn el nafis, Ibn sina, Khwarizmi

    and other muslim scientists.

  2. scientist that say: HAH there is no God because Evolution is true!

    that where christians KNOW that scientist lie. and the debate goes on

  3. I don't mean to offend the Christian Community or anything,

    I am also a Christian in fact.

    But the reason is, that most of us don't want to learn more of the new stuff. We just can't find a way to make fit with what we have learned.

    I have found several valid ways myself. It's just that the whole general Christian community, has not started education themselves, and applying it with the teachings.

    That is what keeps us behind, and the confusion is cause, causing us to reject it all.

  4. Hmmm, I didn't know that we did.  Can I add that to the list of things I didn't know I believed and didn't believe in until some whack job on yahoo answers told me?

    Lets see, apparently as a Christian I believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old and flat, I'm afraid of science (hmmm, maybe that would explain why I am now apparently opposed to "scientific education"), don't believe in dinosaurs and (my personal favorite) I apparently want a Theocracy.

  5. i guess he mean Evolution....i'm a muslim...this is how i see Evolution....i see it as a rational explanation of what and how god created man...and along with the big bang i also think it was a rational explanation of what god did

  6. Hindus and Buddhists are not fascist people.

    Their beliefs is in self-enlightenment, and everyone else can go **** themselves.

    Jehovah's Witness, Christians, and any other Abrahamic religion says to spread the belief system to everyone.

  7. Because truth always contradicts delusion.

  8. A curious claim, considering that numerous scientific minds are also Christian (Francis Collins, for example, was the head of the Human Genome Project and a Christian; you don't get much more scientific than decoding the human genome).

    It is that SOME Christians and Muslims oppose scientific education, just as some Hindus and Budhists oppose it as well. Some, but not all.

  9. Over a period of time, all religious institutions develope vested interests. More so in cases of organised religions. The custodians of religions are reluctant to let go their hold over the society and institution of religion. That is why.

    This is for the consumption of Muslim answerers. There is no denying that some of great scientific discoveries were made by Egyptians, but thet date back the pre-Islamic period. For last 1500 years there is no contribution towards scientific research by Islam. They are busy issuing Fatwas.

    To large extent Christians have liberated themselves from the stronghold of religion and clergy.

  10. in what world do muslims oppose scientific education ???

    in fact being educated is encouraged and there is nothing that contradicts any scientific fact in THE QURAN

    facts that would have been impossible for a unlettered prophet which lived  14 centuries ago and a half to know (peace be upon him)

  11. Be specific. What SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION do they oppose? Oh are you talking about the evolution THEORY? ooooh okay.

    Hey shouldnt they teach the 9/11 conspiracy THEORIES in school too? I mean just like the evolution THEORY, a lot of GOOD POINTS are raised. A lot of UNANSWERED QUESTIONS are raised. A lot of FACTS are raised! They should teach that THEORY too...dont ya think? its SCIENCE right? pssssh

  12. Because science removes the places that had need for a deity. As things are explained with science they stop being "magical"

    And to the person who said they oppose theories...

    Do you also oppose the theory of gravity?  

  13. Christians don't oppose true science, only pseudo-science.

  14. Because proven facts contradict their religion and they are afraid that they would have to rethink thier entire worldview and possibly realize that there is no heaven and when they die, they just die

  15. that's wrong...

    prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) said:

    “Seeking ‘Ilm (knowledge) is incumbant on every Muslim.”

    (Ibn Hahar Al-‘Asqalani, Al-Matalib al ‘Aliyah)

  16. i go too a christian school, and i have my whole life. and there is no way what-so-ever that they oppose it. i think you need too research what your thinking a little better. science backs up most things in christianity anyway.

  17. we dont oppose scientific education, Hindus on the other hand  believe in a caste system that is not very scientific? I admire the Dali Lama a man with much courage. I am a christian, cant give any advise on Muslims met some real smart Doctors and professors. How many did you meet? There are good men and women in science all over the world small fry.

  18. They do not want anyone to learn the truth, if they can stop it. They do have some power over their own kids, but they have a fight on their hands when they try to force everyone to accept their ignorant beliefs. I was reared in a Christian home, but I read science before I began formal school and doubted the Bible by age 7. Some fanatics realize that their kids may be like me and reject the nonsense they believe if they are exposed to the truth.

  19. Christian not a religion but a relationship with God. Word was with God, and God was word, and after than comes every thing. Science is Jesus knowledge and we know how he created everything what we are seeing, so God proved the existence of science through his deeds, but is science able to prove the existence of god? no way and it will never be able to prove it, through science can we see god Jesus? no. but through Jesus we can see science. Before we could DISCOVER not INVENT science, Jesus had done all research about it because it was with him and then only it came to us. Science is Knowledge, and knowledge is with jesus christ, Did science divided the nature or history as BC and AD? no it was Jesus the christ who loved us so much that he gave his life for us and rose up to prove himself as God who separated and divided the History and nature.

  20. who told you that muslims oppose scientific education?!

    if you know history,science was established and developed in the muslim world during the middle ages (muslim golden ages or europe dark ages). muslims were pioneers in medicine ,maths,physics , chemistry and other branches of science.

    islam encoureges science and considers it a way to truth.

    didn't you hear of the scientific miracles of the Holy Quran?

    see the link

    besides, the general rule in Islam is to encourage what's beneficial to humanity. and another rule states that muslims should have muslim specialists in all the subspecialities of science .

    what islam discoureges is taking some unproved theories as facts, like theory of evolution. it is not a science ,it is rather an imagination made by man who didn't know anything about the genetics and laws of inheretance!

  21. Because, Chrisatians and Muslims should be true to their religions .Whether their religions are ture or not is a different story.

    People who have discovered scientific facts all over the world have not been ardent religionists!

    Science reveals the truth about the world and most of what is revealed by science is contrary to what the religions say about the world .so naturally the religions which have no scientific truths in them oppose them tooth and nail and have also been killing people who speak scinetific truths .Most religions created during the time when humanity did nt know much about the world and human intelligence had not developed so much as it is today , oppose science and logic .

  22. I am a Christian, and a scientific educator - a physics teacher in fact.

    I don't understand what you mean.

  23. I'm a Christian, went to Catholic school all my life.  Every school has science classes.  Every school even teaches the Big Bang Theory, they give you both choose which you believe.  

  24. Christians and Muslims don't oppose scientific education. In fact, I think we should be educated about it so that we realize specifically what to believe and what not to believe. People who oppose it are wrong.

  25. Most moderate Christians and Muslims don't oppose scientific education.  Most Christians accept the theory of evolution, 4b+ years old earth, etc... pretty much only the evangelical, fundamentalist, and biblical literalists push the ideas of Intelligent Design, Young Earth, etc.

    The roman catholic church, eastern orthodox (two oldest christian sects), the Jewish religious community, most moderate Muslims, pretty much almost every religion that doesn't include scripture literalism.

    That being said, there are a lot of people who DO promote creationism that don't even realize that their church has agreed with the theory of evolution and finds no conflict with it in their religion.  There is a lot of misunderstanding about what the theory of evolution entails by those who have never bothered to do any research on it.  A lot of people support intelligent design because of the name without any knowledge that they're saying the earth <6k years old and such.

    Lack of knowledge about what you profess to believe is a huge problem... especially when you're agreeing with something that is quite different than the name implies like intelligent design.

    Remember kids a scientific theory isn't a belief, it's a series an explanations for observable scientific facts.  Almost all of science is theories.  The universal theory of gravity is a good example.  Theories in science are revised or eliminated anytime scientific facts new or old conflict with them.  

    There is *NO* evidence to disprove the current theory of evolution at this time.  If you fail to understand this I suggest you read the links in my sources.

    Quite honestly, I have zero problem with religion being taught in school as long as its reasonably comprehensive (say the top 10 religions in the world) and not taught in science class.  Philosophy is a long lost class at most schools and it would certainly be an appropriate place for religious discussions.

    Additionally, the theory of evolution does not disprove the existence of god in any way shape or form.  To those who think it does, I suggest you also read the links in my sources.

  26. I don't.

    I'm a Lutheran Christian, and I strongly encourage scientific education including evolution; the study of mathematics, and logic.

    Why do some people assume that all Christians must be fundagelicals?

  27. i haven't heard of them opposing scientific education in a while. i have heard of them opposing the teaching of another belief system, evolution, in shchool's though

  28. Because they cringe at the thought of someone else other than God thinking for them.

    If they're taught the ways of the natural world, they think they're going to lose faith, or something. I'm not sure, that just seems like a logical answer.  

  29. Because the scientific theories such as the Big Bang' and Darwin's Evolution philosophy contradict the teachings of the Bible and the Quran. Buddhism doesn't involve a 'God' as such but is more about the correct way of life. (The use of meditation to clear the mind of all thoughts etc). Not sure about Hunduism.

  30. ask any hindu how did we evolve from primates to our present form. we tend to not oppose scientific education since we never apply what we learn. the whol country is full of doctors, lawyers, accountants, business tycoons,engineers,etc- all educated, right? still we accept that we never were anything but human. we may speak of the "primitive man", but we will never admit that we are evolved from primates-monkeys, chimps,apes,gorillas. in fact, ask any religious person or punditji or any elderly person about evolution, genetics and what we know as scientific fact and the current religious beliefs and you will be asked to shut up and not insult god! we have gods who had all the characteristics of evolving life forms co-existing with presentday humans! how eclipses, birth defects, heredity etc works, why there are natural disasters and the cures for mental illness - hindus will never admit that religion cannot explain everything. a very small number of christians and all of the muslims take their religious texts literally and do not understand the symbolisms of their holy people. so they will say the world was created in 7 days and the world is only 5 thousandd years old when we know that dinosaurs etc existed millions of years ago! that we came to the earth as people 2 thousand years ago and that all animals were created around the same time. so when their children learn science in schools and question their parents about what they believe, the conflict starts. hindus are taught as children to blindly follow their religion and whatever they learn in schools is only to pass exams and get degrees and jobs. i know a doctor who believes that if we drink milk that has a single cat hair in it, we get typhoid! or that if a woman, six months pregnant, prays on certain days will change the s*x of her child! that a woman is "unclean" for 40 days after giving birth, not that they deserve a rest! so, think about it. next time just ask some questions of your teachers, parents and punditji - you are in for a surprise!!!

  31. Hello,

    That's news to me. I suggest you re-read your history of Western Civilization as well as Islamic. Everything from the steam engine to the radio was invented by Christians and wade 3 below me is correct on Islam. Also many Christians and Muslims believe in evolution.


    Michael Kelly

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