
Why do Christians appose evolution?

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namely the evolution of science allowing us to have electricity, and every other modern convenience which allows us to not be living on farms, working the life out of us each morning with a wife laboring at the dishes and house cleaning all day. Which brings me to the opposition of equal rights for women. If you want to live in a non scientific society with housewives wouldn't it be wise to start your own country? This one was founded on the principles of equality.




  1. I am a Christian, I accept evolution. Evolution has nothing to do with electricity or technology. You have your branches of science mixed up.

  2. i am a Christian and a Catholic. i do not oppose evolution. i believe that evolution and creationism can and do go hand in hand. God is capable of doing whatever He wants howerver HE wants. people seem to either forget this or overlook this point. look in Genesis. after Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden it states in Genesis that "the soons of God marriedi the daughter of men." the sons of God are the sons of Adam and Eve where did the daughters of Men come from??? Adam and Eve were created by God but the daughters of men came from evolution. God did both. as was His right to do so. therefore both creation and evolution are both correct and under Gods control.

  3. How do Christians oppose the evolution of science?  Isaac Newton was definitely a Christian - he preferred studying the Bible to science.  Probably most of the great scientists were Christians.

    Having said that, do you think we're really that much happier now that we don't live on farms, or that women are happier because they work in offices instead of in their homes?  I think we should apologise to women for having created an economy where they have to leave their homes and children and sit in an office 9-5.  Proverbs 31 shows that biblically a woman was always admired if she could do some work on the side, but nowadays it's a necessity!

    If anything, we'd like women to have their rights back - the right to take care of their children properly, without being forced out to work.

    Basically, from start to finish, it's not clear what you're basing your criticism on - how Christians oppose any of the things that you say they do.

  4. You wouldn't be sitting on your PC right now if there weren't Christians.

  5. Because evolution isn't a proven fact. Scientists simply thought that apes was part of us and that they were our ancestors. But the thing is, they still didn't find the missing link. They really wanted something else, instead of spiritual beliefs, so they made evolution.

    I believe one thing, that their is one God. and it is called christianity. I have scientific truth and historic truth that you cannot question. And if you would want to know the scientific proof, look at this website below. It tells how evolution cannot be true, and how its still a theory.

  6. Gosh! I thought this country was founded on Freedom of religion.  In fact the Forefathers of this country were staunch believers of Jesus Christ.

    Now why don't you believe also and stop kicking against the pricks?

  7. 1-it is "oppose"

    2-Because it contradicts their beliefs

  8. For once and for all all atheists, not all Christians oppose evolution, which I am one of them. Evolution is a scientific fact that has happened over the last billions of years. It just did not happen the way both Creationists and Evolutionists think it has.  

  9. The word you are looking for is evolutionary progress. There is also evolutionary adaptation. All valid. What we are opposed to is origin evolution via mutation and natural selection.

  10. Stupidity mostly.

  11. Christians don't believe in the Evolution of Humans. They believe God created us in the beginning with a man and a woman...

  12. Now you say science has evolved? Now how can I believe anything they say?

  13. I oppose the evolution of man, but not that of animals or science.  I believe the evolution of science has been inspired by God to further the building of his kingdom in the latter days.

    My faith does believe in equal rights for women, we have one of the largest and oldest women's organizations in the world.  But being equal is not being the same.  I can be the equal of my husband and still be distinctly feminine, with different duties and roles to fulfill.

    I happen to be a house wife, and darn proud of it.  My being a housewife neither demeans our country or lessens the advancements of science.  Aren't you a little hypocritical to say you're for women's rights and equality, but then demean my choice to be a stay at home mother and wife?  

    The Amish and Mennonites lives quite well within the USA, btw.

  14. just like the first person says.  it goes against what they believe.  it doesnt matter how much evidence it has for it, they are going to say its wrong.

    there is no such thing as a creation scientist because all scientists must be able to admit their theory could be wrong.  a "creation scientist's" theory springs from the belief that god is perfect and it happened just the way it happened in the bible.  to admit their "theory" is wrong would be to admit their god could be wrong.  they dont have the humility needed to admit they are wrong.

    and yes evolution could be wrong, so could everything we know about plate tectonics, relativity, atoms, kinetic molecular theory, the entire arrangement of the periodic table, quantum mechanics...  it could all be wrong but the theories we have fit the evidence we have.  the same with evolution.

  15. that's like saying "why do Christians oppose children having food?"

    we don't....

    Christianity has spurred forward scientific advance...

    Christianity has championed women's rights and racial equality

    ---- p.s. - Christians don't oppose every time that someone uses the word "evolution"... the word just means change.

    So, Galileo was an atheist now?

    the conflict was between two different scientific views of the world NOT between religious and scientific folk

    Please, realize that scientists are the ones who postulated the world was flat, the scientific community didn't want to accept it was round for scientific reasons (bad ones)...  they were commited to a theory.

  16. 21.. Evolution is not science nor do Christians oppose science . What they oppose is evolution . Judging by your post you would think evolution is responsible for every modern convenience we have to day . Evolution is a scientific theory and in reality when closely looked at it's not even that . What we want to live in is a society that looks at and takes into account all points of view and doesn't just discount them because they don't fit their world view ...Oh and just to clue you in on something.. Most of your greatest technological and scientific advancements have taken place under faith based administrations such as Ronald Regan's as a results of him pouring money into military research and development programs...Traditionally whenever liberals have been in office we went back in time not ahead.. Don't forget who the party is that support business so all these huge corporate research labs can do research and thrive... Hope this helped....God bless you !

  17. Some do and some dont. Catholics accept evolution, and some presbyterians do too as far as i know. I guess its different strokes for different folks (even though some have it right lol)

  18. The kind of evolution that you mentioned were not opposed by christians.  I'm a christian and I know many more who have no regrets using electricity.

    The kind of evolution that we oppose to is the evolution of life forms i.e. from fish to reptile to man.  Science has not found yet any monkey who turned into a man, not in so much number of years.

    That evolution should be rejected and should not to be taught in schools.

  19. Real and intelligent Christians do not oppose science and evolution. However, there are fanatic fundamentalists who are narrow-minded and who have misread and misinterpreted the Christian message, They have sometimes a very narrow intellectual horizon and would oppose any scientific and logical explanation contradicting their "religious interpretations".

  20. Christians are not against science - except perhaps the Amish. We are also not opposed to equal rights for women. I do not know why you would be led to believe we are.

    As for evolution, we are against that because it takes credit away from God and gives it to mere chance/coincidence/random accident.

    If you gave your wife a lovely bouquet of flowers, would you like her to go kiss the mailman and tell him thanks? No. It was an act of love on your part, so you want credit for it. In fact, you'd be highly offended if credit was given to someone/something other than you.

    In the same way, God made the world and us because He loves us. It hurts Him to hear people saying He does not exist, or that all His labour was only by chance.

  21. This  Christian does not appose (sic) evolution.

  22. uhmmm....let me think.....OH,, right! it goes against everything i believe.  

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