
Why do Christians believe only they will go to heaven, and yet claim their religion is loving?

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Please note that believers (in one God) will go to heaven on the merit of their good deeds on earth. Even if they're not Muslim. They do still believe in God.

However, Christians believe that only they wiull go to heaven. Isn't that opposing the whole 'love thing?' In that case, Islam shows MORE love than Christianity.




  1. Salaams family

    I spent my young life as a heathen (no one in my family spoke of God. We went to church on easter so the folks could hide the easter eggs (for those who say what??????????, its a tradition wrapped up in christianity and I might add, very confusing).

    Young adult to age 42  I was a fallen away christian., gung ho born-again and back to fallen away. A minister hurt my feelings so bad I turned my back on a God concept.  I didn't believe God loved me. Every now and then I would get the "holy ghost"for a while. It was always when God was doing my will ha.

    After a life of fitna and haraam I entered NA and got clean and sober. I still clung to the only belief I was familiar with, christianity. After a while I just couldn't get the idea of worship of a man and I looked into the Native American beliefs but they didn't want a whilte woman nosing around. My son introduced me to Islam and since 2001 I have been Muslima.

    So having said all that, I will tell you that christians are frightened into believing that the only way to get into heaven is through Jesus pbuh. The new testament quotes Esau pbuh as saying "I am the truth, the light and the way. No one goes to the father except through me" Another statement is quoted as "If you have seen me, you have seen the father" One most convincing is : "Jesus is the word." The word was made flesh and dwelt among them." Any christians reading this: I may not quote it exact, so if you'd like to please give the exact quote here, but the point is the same.There are others in the bible I don't remember but I know what a desperate feeling christians feel. Each week ministers speak that the only way is Jesus pbuh and they warn that all those who don't believe he is God and worship him will go to h**l. They use a 500 translations bible  to prove themselves as having the truth and honestly most ministers mean well too because they are fervorously trying to save their flock and the world. So please try to forgive them for their zealous pushiness.  They mean well for you even in their arrogance and false teaching. The easiest way I came to re-conversion was the example of the Muslims I met and the change in my son and the way his wonderful wife, (my daughter-in-law and sister of Islam) loved and honored me. Be careful to be kind since we lead by example and you never know if you are speaking to a Muslim in the making or not. Subhanalalah

  2. So you crtitcize them while saying, "Islam isn't so bad, we only send 40% of the world population to h**l."


    Pagans are the true loving religions, then.  They send no one to h**l.

  3. this isnt a whose better or whose worst

    religion is built of on faith and standards for living a good life

    your being to literal with the word "only christians"most religions focus only on theselves and only show a narrow piont of view if other religions to fully interpret and undertand one must have a open mind and no prejudice  

  4. i think all religion people have a believe that they go to heven  but the reall things is that

    God knows better

    who go on right path which our Muhammad PBUH tell us they go to heven and who slip down from that rite path they go to h**l

  5. I don't know.  Probably the same reason some Muslims are terrorists which is against the Koran.  They all are hypocrites. Religions have done much damage to the world.

  6. you know, i cant count the number of times, a kind loving christian has tried to convert me, and upon failing has told me i will be sent to h**l. ive met a few nice ones, but in my experience on the whole, if you dont want to know christianity they are spiteful and my opinion !!! bless you xx

    edit...the pagan lady made a good and true point !!!

  7. Doesn't Islam teach the same thing? Only if you claim that there is no one other than Allah are you then spared from the hellfire of eternity... so how can you judge other religions??  

  8. Because Christianity teaches that the only path to salvation and God is to accept Christ as the Son of God and Lord and Savior.  It has nothing to do with them being un-loving.  They are filled with love for their fellow man that is why you see them witnessing or going door to door so they can spread the message to everyone so each person has the opportunity to go to heaven.  Your question sounds a little offensive and I could ask questions about why Muslims believe such and such, but say their religion is peaceful, but for now I'm going to assume you were not intentionally being rude as I know Muslims are not supposed to denigrate another religion.  

  9. Bash Christianity all you want sister, yet so many time's so many Muslims i've met say that Non-Muslims will go to h**l.

  10. and your previous question just disclaimed what you just said - islam has the same idea..

    however, to answer this one - it's really simple - it was the catholic church, not 'christianity' that states that that is the only way to get to heaven (to keep the pennies coming in as it were throughout history, it's politics)

    christians - well, jesus said 'i am the way' - live like he did (cool, peace to all, love the know - a surfer or a gardener would be a

    good example)  -that's the way to have a good soul - the person you are, not what 'religion' you follow

    who keeps cycling all this poo anyhow? can i get on with trying to have a happy family, and dream of having a veg plot and chickens one day?

  11. We don't believe we are the only ones that can go to Heaven. That is absurd. ANYBODY can go to Heaven because that is where God is and EVERY religion has a God, obviously in Heaven.

    Where the heck did you get that from? That is not true. If you have a pure soul, you will go to Heaven, it doesn't mean you have to be Christian.

    Oh, and EVERY religion has THEIR OWN love for God, love is not a thing that you compare, it is a thing that you feel and if you love God, that is what you feel, it is not to be compared with anybody elses love. Love is love, their is not different scales of love, it is all on the same level.

  12. Christians , by definition , follow the teachings of Jesus & believe he is the Son of God .He teaches in John 14:6  - 7 " I am the way & the truth & the life , No one comes to the Father ( God ) except through me ."  

    As far as love is concerned , I will refer you back to the words of Jesus , not me..John 3:16 " For God so loved the world  that he gave his one & only son , that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life ". That is a direct answer to your question & is why we believe as we do.

    That said , we  either accept him or reject him !  

    You know Christians can't win in terms of worldly thinking .....we are criticised & are called exclusive if we adhere to what Jesus teaches  & yet to not do so is a denial of our faith & we could be rightly called hypocrits !

    edit....To the dear person below me , if you think for one moment that we are scared into trusting & believing that Jesus is the truth you are sadly mistaken ...nothing could be further from the truth ! By the way , it wasn't Esau you quoted but Jesus !

    You see , the difference is that one can't be born a Christian can maybe be born into a Christian family but at some time in our lives we become a true Christian when we make a personal choice  to follow Jesus & his teaching .

    So don't for one second believe that we are scared into faith...that may be true of other faiths where the pressure on an individual to conform or else is very evident !

  13. What is confusing you is from the new testament where Jesus states that only by believing in him can one enter into the kingdom of heaven. Please note Islam did turn up for another 600 or so years.

    Not a theologian, just an old worn out PC tech.

  14. Christians believe they will only go to heaven, because jewish people refused God, and others do wrong by worshiping other idols. They believe they will only go to heaven because they are the only ones not doing wrong, but that is not necessarily true. Some christians might not go to heaven actually, because they don't follow the bible. But they say its loving because they feel they are the only ones doing whats right.

  15. Probably for the same reason that many Muslims believe that if they blow themselves and other into tiny bits, they will be sent to their "heaven".

  16. But Christianity doesn't blow up planes and tube trains.

  17. omg all Christians (except scientologists and few other prod chruches) believe Christians and non-Christians all go to heaven

    get your facts right

  18. I'm not going to live my life worrying about an afterlife or even wondering whether there is one.  

  19. Ok, then why does the Quran say it's okay to kill non believers???

    **And don't say only in wartime because I've actually read the Quran, and it is not only wartime!!**

  20. My answer is;

    It depends on which "Brand" of Christianity you are speaking of. As I have said before here on answers. Religions are like Alcohol but I'll take Christianity down a little farther as I am the "Son of a Preacher Man".

    Christianity is like Beer.

    You have every flavor from a lite, crisp & clear Pilsiners (Unitarian). To the Dark, Bitter, Stouts like the KKK follow. (I do like a Stout. As long as I have a "Good Bourbon" to Cut it with.)

    And I would add that if you are passive and don't defend yourself. Then the person who kills you did it from pure Evil. Or, did you sacrifice yourself to save others? (as Jesus did)

    Although, Jesus while said too turn the other cheek. He did Not say to keep turning it. And left that choice up to us.

    I do agree however that most Christians wear their Religion on their Sleeve. And take off that shirt when they leave the Church of their choosing. God only wants us to be;

    Honorable (personal) and Respectful (treatment of others).

    Defending ones self, family and friends, is Righteous.

    Attacking someone too either take what they have or the oppression of them is Evil.

    PS I hope your question makes those of all religions Think and Question. That is our Right from God.

    And I hope my answer has helped.

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