
Why do Christians believe the Bible to be true and claim they are good people?

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When it says things like this

Deuteronomy 21:18-21

If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father and mother, who does not heed them when they discipline him, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his town at the gate of that place. they shall say to the elders of his town ,"This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard." then all the men of the town shall stone him to death. So you shall purge the evil from your midst; and all the Israel will hear, and be afraid.

Exodus 35:2

Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a holy sabbath of solemn rest to the Lord; whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.

Leviticus 20:13

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; there blood is upon them.

Seems to me if they believe that they are just as wicked and sick as most inmates in the correctional systems.




  1. They actually did those things in those days

  2. and all the Israel will hear>>>>

    Glossed over that little bit....

  3. If you knew anything of the Bible other than pulling scriptures out, you would realize that all of these things are from the Old Testament. Or old covenant. We are under a new covenant, or New Testament. One with forgiveness and grace.

  4. Good question . I hope my answer helps. First of all  those books are all from the old testament.  People also had to sacrifice animals all of the time. (ICKY) to cover thier sins. So that was the OLD covenent with God.   But you see when you read the  New Testament Jesus came here to  make a new covenant with man.. He sacrificed his life so no one else would have to die for there sins.. Such as getting killed by the whole village or city for being a rebellouse son.

    I am personally thankful that I was born after the new covenent because I would have been killed long long ago.  SMILE

  5. Because it gives you presumped right to do evil.

  6. The OT laws were strict.  It just makes me glad we're in the NT now.

  7. You are confused. Those are laws given to the Jews. They do not apply to non-Jews. Go ask, "Why do Jews believe the Bible to be true and claim they are good people?" if you dare.

  8. Because it is. Just because it doesn't conform to your modern perspective and world-view of what is right and fair doesn't mean that somehow it's incorrect. It is absolute truth for all. What other so-called "holy" book was ever written in the history of mankind that claimed to apply to all of mankind?

  9. Dude,

    There are 66 complete books in the Bible and thousands of verses.  You can take several and twist it to try to say anything you want it to say; unfortunately, that's how cults start. The Truth of God's Word is His entire Word; cover-to-cover.  Nothing added, nothing taken away.  You ought to read it sometime.

  10. In the New Testament Christ came that we may have life and live, and enjoy life. Being free from sin, washed in his blood, for their is power in the blood. I do not know about any other Christians, but they  are people.. flesh and blood, they do not think highly of themselves, or should not,  but they have been changed to live differently. The Bible is not a fiction story book, it is real.  Do some more re search and the truth shall set your mind at ease. Being Spiritual is a personal thing.

  11. We are no longer under the law, but under grace.  There are many good principles in the Old Testament and the background it provides helps us to make sense of the New Testament. As far as being "good people", true Christians know that they are not good people.  If they thought they were good, why would they need a savior to die for their sins?  

    Romans 3:23

    For the good news, see Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, and Romans 10:13.

  12. The bible is full of examples of what to do and what not to do. Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Jesus spoke up and went against the fundementalist pharisees that eventually killed him. they worshiped a book.

    The bible is a lense. Fundementalists worship the lens they worship the specks on the lens.

    People who follow Christ use the lens to magnify God and to bring the holy spirit into there lives and Ignore the specks and finger prints placed there BY men.

    All the MEN in the bible were sinners every single one of them. Only God is perfect.

    SO you are speaking of Bible worshipers or Idoloters. they worship a graven image and take there Idol as absolute truth.



    Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion: intolerance, prejudice. See like

    Why dont you worry about the person in your town tonight who has no bed to sleep in. DO something anything even if its a little thing to help another person.

    Then you wont have to worry about what Christians are doing YOU will just be acting like one and thats what Christ care about.

  13. This was the old testament Hebrew law and we are not under that law.

  14. When was the last time you saw Christians murder their rebellious children or stone people for working on Saturday?  

  15. what is your reason to crucify Christan's what is your motive behind it, I know do you , because "Our God " tells me why you do. But Jesus Loves you. Have a beautiful day and Gods grace is with us all.

  16. How do you expect to understand the Bible ?

    As an unbeliever that is impossible.

    Believe on Jesus Christ and be saved ! ! ! ! ! ! !



  17. All of the past laws of the Jewish people were fulfilled in Christ. Therefore, those laws were no longer part of the faith. In otherwords, Jesus realized after becoming a man, that man would NEVER be able to live a sinless life. Even the ten commandments themselves were made void by the two that Jesus left us with...which were equal to the ten. Love God...and Love your neighbor as yourself. Covers them all.

    The Jews are a harsh people who still live by a very harsh code. I don't think they will kill a son or daughter that is not obedient...but I have heard of them disowning their own kids. Muslims do the same thing.

  18. Two things ...

    Some of the Law's of moses (YOUR refering to) were not perfect in righteousness.

    Second,  there is forgiveness with God through Jesus Christ who mended what fell through Adam.  

  19. Truth like reality and morality is objective. The Bible is true. Christians are not necessarily good people in themselves, but if they obey God and try to sin no more and seek forgiveness when they sin they are forgiven, consequences still exist, and are good because God sees them through Jesus.

  20. Hahahaha.... nice try.

    You're only using the old testament?  To try and prove... "christians are"... what, exactly?

    These verses you have quoted are historical references in that particular culture that the old testament is centric to.  

    However, whenever you stop peddling out the little stuff and wish to be brave, try the new testament.  If you dare. :D

  21. Because Truth is relative, and so therefore so is goodness.


    In that case, it's probably because the good one's take the bible with a pinch of salt.

  22. one of the many things ive learned on this section of QA is that sometimes Atheists get it! and they get some things correct. putting evolution aside.

    the bible is called the perfect word of God. Every JOT and Tittle will not pass away. Yet the bible code is corrupted. so the code can be changed if someone understands its secret.

    the new testament is riddled with minor personal commentary which are called absolutely true today! some even go as far as saying every word is God breathed which is changed from "inspired by God".

    as a born again protestant christian i believed everything i was taught because MY LEADERS couldnt be deceived! right?

    as an lds witness of jesus, i saw Jesus! so I KNOW like the prophets and greater teachers of christianity that Atheists are completely wrong but justifiably misguided.

    the bible NEVER was intended to be the absolute truth, it was meant to be a small library of canon that everyone can hold in their hands if one could afford it. but in our day everyone can afford it. its something that allows believers to ponder on the mysteries of God. and keep their minds excercised on the things of faith.

    that be said in answer to your question, in deuteronomy, Jesus said forgiveness is greater than punishment He also called people who believe in such things should turn the other cheek. NOT to hate enemies but to love them. after all most hatred is percieved NOT real.

    there are a few things that christianity changes from the OLD testament. eating food and mikvahs are one practice.

    another way of looking at this verse is that it was NOT God who spoke but it was inpiration of the time. so it is again NOT all the God breathed words of God .  

  23. I am quessing this is open to all?

    we are all just sinners saved by faith

    1 John 1

    If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

    Hmm but you seem too have made your mind up there iss no Jesus....right?

  24. The first question we believe in the Bible however we don't believe we are good.  

    For the first answer if you are serious please read the three part article I wrote re the Bible I sourced the links for you.

    As for we being sinners as the Good Book says, We are forgiven also according to the Bible.

    Read the Gospels in the New Testament.  

    Read the Epistle to the romans chpt 6-8 then the Epistle to the Galations both in the New Testament

    Either your a true seeker or a mocker.  I pray you are a seeker.

    Have you ever read the Good Book friend?

    Read it then judge it.  


  25. God has always had prophets to give rules for the time and place people are living in.

    We dont seem to be the only generation of time that has had a problem accepting the words of prophets...

  26. I notice all you seem to get out of the Bible is death. Read the other stories in and read all the passages not just the ones that suit you in your fruitless argument. Then maybe you could get a sense of what we Christians are about.

  27. you are right people did believe that and they did all those things. but the world changed and matured . the people had to change too . they don't do those things anymore. but the belief in God has all ways been there and is still there.

  28. Jesus came to change all of that.  Christians' follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.  That's what makes them Christians.  They don't believe in the old testament except for the Ten Commandments.

  29. If you've read the bible many times, then you know it doesnt say anywhere that people wether they follow God or not are good. I think your confused with someone believing what they think is right or wrong with what the bible teaches is right or wrong. The bible doesnt teach putting people to death is a sin, its says murder is a sin. They are not the same thing. Negative does not = evil like people think it does. Not liking someone with cause, being angry at someone with cause, and calling somebody a name for what they are, are not sins. Putting a person to death for a crime is not a sin. And what proof do you have that it has changed? Reading the bible doesnt make you an expert on its history, just the stories in it. There is no evidence the bible has changed, if there was you know some known atheist historian would have jumped all over that one and made a public deal out of it along time ago. You have nothing to compare it to, to show it as being changed.

    I believe in the bible is infalliable because of this verse which you should be familiar with.

    2 Timothy 3:16 in the New Testament states that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God. "The Bible infallibly and faithfully assures the truth of all that it affirms. When properly interpreted, Scripture never leads into error, but is wholly trustworthy in all matters.

    Seems to me you have not properly interpreted it because you have looked it as nothing but a story, not at its meaning. And you have been making judgements of  meaning based on english gramar. The bible wasnt written in english gramar. It was written in greek and hebrew gramar, which doesnt have the same meanings as english.

    Its people opinions, incorrect interpretations, and assumptions that change.

    And notice the word "properly" in the verse. Means when someone makes a wrong interpretation, there is room for error thus people thinking and believing the bible says something it doesnt.  

  30. That is all so Old Testament

    We Christians live under God's grace

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