
Why do Christians do this?

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i was on a website ( because i was getting some information about the Mandinka people in The Gambia. Anyway, i know that the vast majority of them are Muslim. But the website lists them as "lost."

why can't Christians accept other religions? I don't think they are any closer to getting to heaven than anybody else.

This is another reason why i feel that organized religion is unnecessary.




  1. Extremists of any variety rarely can accept views that deviate from their own, it's a threat to them that some people may not believe as they do.  They seek validation through uniformity.

  2. christians are better than everyone else, duh!

  3. IMO, it is the christians who are lost and cannot find their way back to reality.

    It is their beliefs in their religion that promotes their intolerance of others.  After all, some of them tell me that if I am not a servant of their god, I am, de facto, a servant of satan.

  4. We believe they are lost because they only have part of the truth. All religion has some truth to it and should be respected.

  5. Out of chaos comes order, though you must be speaking of all the protesting Christians. Salvation only comes through Jesus, but if the person is a real Christian he or she would know not to force there religion on to anyone as Jesus never did either. He had his disciples just shake of the dust from there sandals with a warning that they had h**l to pay basically.

  6. Yep, the arrogance of christianity.  No other religion is as good as theirs so they must go out and stomp on everyone else.  They aren't happy with their own beliefs, they have to force them on everyone else.

    And then they complain that their missionaries are being persecuted.  

    Hypocrisy and arrogance at it's finest.

    If they would spend the money actually helping people, imagine the millions and the difference it would make.

  7. Christians believe that if you have not accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and savior you are "lost" and when you die you will not go to Heaven.  

  8. answer: actually Islam can be just as intolerant.  Both are have the teachings that their religion is the only correct one and everyone else is wrong, including each other.

  9. According to Christians...anyone who hasn't "found" Jesus is lost.  Christians believe that is what is lacking in other religions....the belief that Jesus is God's son.  Jews don't believe the Messiah has arrived and Muslims believe God is too perfect to send any part of himself down to Earth.  They believe Jesus was a prophet though.  I agree with you though, I think organized religion is nothing more than a set of rules.  I can have my own relationship with God with out anyone else interferring.

  10. In Christian parlance, 'lost' means anyone who is not a Christian. It does not refer only to the godless. Just as the Muslims call us 'infidels' because we are not of them.  

  11. Same reason Muslims consider non-muslims "infidels". Most religions have an element of exclusivity. That's what makes them something that require faith.  

  12. they go and spread the word because it is what they are called to do. Go and teach all nations. why do you have such a big problem with christians.

  13. It all goes back to the fact that people are afraid of what they don't understand. Not that Christians are really afraid of Muslims, but they hold their religion so closely, and try to follow the bible word for word that they don't accept Muslims.

    Its really sad how by doing that they undermine what they should stand for. Love and understanding for everyone.

  14. God says to preach the gospel of salvation to all

  15. Hear, hear.

  16. The point of much missionary work is to make the Gospel KNOWN to those who have no knowledge of it. The decision to convert or stay with one's traditional faith can of course only be made by the individual when alternatives are known. Calling them "lost" can be offensive to some who subscribe to relativism - but Christianity is not relativistic.

  17. To say that Christians can't accept other religions is unfair.  Many Christians (myself included) believe wholeheartedly in coexistance.  For me, organized religion is necessary because it forms a community.  

    In the words of Michael Franti, "God is too big for just one religion"

  18. calling people lost doesn't mean we don't accept them as our view they are lost souls...its our world view...

    add do realize that Christian missionaries was the number ending factor to cannibalism in the spreading our gospel...there have been many good things that have come from Christian missionaries around the world...

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