
Why do Christians in USA & Europe support Israeli crimes against Palestinians?

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So many crimes have been committed by Israel against innocent Palestinians including muslims and Christians. Yet you find excuses in the Christian world for such immoral acts. I just can't understand it.




  1. Why do Muslims in the middle east support the immoral killing of Israeli civilians by suicide bombers?  

    Some on both sides of the issue choose to condemn to evils of the side they oppose, while overlooking horrible acts by the side they do not support.

  2. This is perpetuation of the myth that the Israelis are "God's Chosen People".

    Yahweh broke His Covenant with the Israelis with His removal of the Ark of the Covenant during the Babylonian invasion in 622 BC, after the Israelis had numerous time broken the Covenant.  He permanently discarded the old Covenant at the crucification of Jesus Christ, which began a new Covenant and began the Grace Dispensation Era, which exists until Armageddon.

    It is anti-Christian to continue to support people from whom Yahweh has distanced Himself.

  3. Yes, the poor innocent Bomb Vest Palestinians are to be pitied. They try to kill Israelis that go about their everyday life like riding a bus to school, going to the market for their parents attending their worship services by blowing themselves and the Israelis up. Yes I have great pity for a people who do such things. I pity their ignorance and their Racist lifestyles.

  4. They choose not to see. And when they see, they deny what they see and rationalize it in tribal or group terms. Individuals as fellow human beings become lost in the generalizations of tribe, religion, history or whatever mental excuse one uses to avoid being compassionate.  that is why the highest praise of G-d ( and the most difficult thing to do as a human being) is to be Rachim--compassionate. We are all so ego centered. There are Christians like the American Friend Service Committee that has always been active in helping the Palestinian people.  One year instead of presents for Christmas I sent money to them  so that they could buy olive trees to replace the ones destroyed by Jewish settlers who ignored their own laws in Torah that forbid the killing of fruit trees in time of war so blind was  the hatred of the other.  

  5. I think there are many Christians who condemn Israel for their brutal treatment of the Palestinians. The Jewish excuse is that Palestine was their God given land .I wonder if God also gave them permission to behave like Barbarians ? Just for the record it was the UN that wrongly gave 56% of Palestine to the Jews in1948. Ever since then they have been h**l bent on stealing the rest.

  6. Guilt.  It wasn't the Muslims who ran the gas chambers.

  7. Teach the so called innocent Palestinians to stop the hatred and accept the fact that Israel is not going to vanish. When the Palestinians stop acting like children the world will support them.

  8. because they think that they are gods chosen do the muslims (if you didnt know)....but the diffrence is thta muslims beilive that they went astray and they are now in the wrong...christians think they are doing good...but in reality ..they just want to see their meesiah come....a person by the name of dajjal....who is gonna get killed by jesus's second coming.

    ps im muslim.

  9. The main reason is the foundation of the Christian religion has been linked to a belief that the Jews are God's only chosen people and that they must support Israel at any cost, regardless as to the moral implications.  Another reason is that in the United States (I am an American), the mainstream media is very pro-Israeli in regard to almost any issue.  People generally only believe what they are told, what they are taught, or what they see.  When they only see the pro-Israeli perspective of events and beliefs, that is all that they know.  They do not yet know how to think outside of the box.  They see Israelis as being something more than people and they see the Palestinians as being something less than people.

  10. The land belongs to Israel, and the palestinians are trying to take it. And yes I know We took that land from them after WW2 to form the country of Israel.

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