
Why do Christians insist on imposing their beliefs and belief system on others?

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After all, many Christians believe in the concept of individual soul liberty. Then why insist that others should live their lives according to what you believe?




  1. I don't. I couldn't care less what someone else believes.

  2. Because they don't actually believe in the words of Christ.

    False teachers tell them they HAVE to do/feel that way to please god.

    If they focused on the words of Christ instead of forcing others to abide by their theology, they would get a lot further.

    Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all mankind unto me."

    not if you force all people to abide by certain rules and regulations that you think is right, Jesus will save more people.

    It's mostly just to continue the work the Catholic church started a little over 1500 years ago.  Taking over the world.

  3. How fascinating.

    Isn't an attempt to silence Christians actually an attempt to deny them the right to behave as they choose, thereby imposing your non-Christian beliefs on them?

    Hello, Kettle?  Pot is on Line One.  He says you're black.

  4. Please learn the difference between informing and imposing.  And I have to say, if there's any imposing being done, a lot of it is certainly coming from the atheist camp.

  5. If they tell you what they think what your doing is wrong, it is usually 'cause they care.  I'll share what I thinks right but really after your informed it is up to you . Also "individual soul liberty" your speaking of is free will which means you can choose to do what ever the heck you want.Some choices are better than others.

  6. Because God has commanded Christians to share the truth with others. Matthew 28:19,20

  7. Not all Christians do that, Maybe the fundies but they are not  true Christians.

  8. Not all of them do. Stop trolling, please.

  9. Who imposes or insists on anybody believing anything?  Expressing ones faith and belief and sharing what you believe isn't imposing anything on anyone.  And since no one can or would FORCE those same things on you if they were a true christian - then I think your perspective is a bit skewed here personally.  

  10. Jesus taught others and in the book of  Mathew he told us we have to do it to.

  11. WE ARE JUST DISCUSSING SO IF YOU CANT TAKKE IT then dont come here....GODS TRUTH IS REAL....REJECTION of God is permanent boring..

  12. Their religion tells them that their code of morality, their god, and their afterlife are superior to all others.  It's that simple.  From there it's a simple step to go to demanding special privileges for their religion, trying to pass laws favoring their religion over others, and trying to get dogma taught as if it were fact.  

    It's called provincialism, and it is a direct consequence of arrogance combined with ignorance.

  13. one word


  14. Hmmm, I don't insist that others should live their lives according to what I believe.

  15. If they are imposing they are immature Christians.  Jesus/Yeshua is about love and sacrifice for the good of others.  I'm sorry if someone did that to you.  All religious groups have their immature members.  In Christianity there are many sects some are not really what they claim to be, (Followers of Jesus/Yeshua), many are just ignorant people.  If the discussion about faith is acceptable to talk about it is ok to discuss religions between willing participants.  I am a Messianic Jew and some mainline Christians bug me also but Jesus/Yeshua is also about forgiveness that is why He came.  Grace and Peace to you Jtryan.


  16. Most of us don't insist on imposing our beliefs.  For me, being a Christian means believing that Jesus died for our sins and the only way to heaven is to accept him in our hearts (I'm sure some Christians would not agree with that).  So to share our beliefs with ours is a way for us to help them and glorify God at the same time.  Being pushy and demanding and arguing is not a way to accomplish this.  A lot of non-Christians feel that just because they don't believe in "h**l", then that means it doesn't exist.  If it doesn't exist, then they can't end up there.  This is not the case.  If I die and happened to be wrong, then I have lost nothing.  If you don't believe and you die, and I am right, then you have lost BIG TIME.  Remember, just because you don't believe in h**l doesn't mean it is not real...

  17. Mass delusion requires mass involvement.

  18. Not all Christians are like that.  I don't impose my beliefs on anyone.  As far as I'm concerned, to each his own.  God will judge us all.

  19. Only the evangelicals / fundamentalists try to impose their beliefs on others. Many Christians are comfortable in their own beliefs and no not feel the need to convince others

  20. Our laws reflect our collective morality.

    Not our Christian beliefs.

    For example, I am a Christian, my morals tell me that our society must maintain safety for all people.  I believe that we should have laws against Drunk Driving, Illegal Drugs, Murder, Rape, Theft, Robbery, you get the idea.  Some of these are based on Natural Law, some are influenced by my faith and what I believe is right and what is wrong.  But none of that is pulled out of my Christian faith ONLY.

    Imposing my beliefs on others is a totally different thing, that would be me forcing, or trying to force you to believe in Jesus Christ.  Can you give me an example of that happening?  Honestly, I am sure it does, but it is VERY Rare.

    Hope this helps!

  21. Personal insecurity.

  22. They get a free toaster for every 10 conversions.

  23. Why do non-believers continue to cram their non-belief down our throats?  Why, when a Christian talks about their faith, it is perceived as preaching?  I do not insist that others live according to what I believe.  If I did, I wouldn't still be married.

  24. I predict many "we don't do that!" answers.

    I look forward to those people, who of course are honest about themselves, helping the rest of us fight against marriage rules, abortion bans, stem cell research limitations, Sunday retail restrictions, Boy Scout atheist bans, anti-science agendas and enforced prayers in our pledge and on our currency - all of them based entirely on imposing Xian dogma.

    Edit for below - really C?  What part of natural law says fertilized eggs from fertility clinics should go in the dumpster rather than be used to seek out cures for horrible diseases?  What part of natural law says I can't buy beer at the grocery store if Sunday is when I do my shopping?  What part says we should teach kids mythology in science class?  What part says we have to force god into pledges written by Baptist ministers without mentioning him?

  25. my question like this got deleted. what a wonderful world how everyone just lives their lives so well and by the words of their god....

  26. We Christians love how Dracula used poke fun at other religions and non-believers.

  27. Because the people whom you're referring to have so little belief in their own religion that any dissenting opinion is a threat to them in the form of causing them to doubt their own beliefs.  Thus they try to enact laws, convert everyone, and otherwise force them to believe like they do.

    The people of any belief who are truly strong in their conviction don't need to force their beliefs on others, they are willing to let others find their own path and will help them along the way if asked, but see no need to legislate or force beliefs on them that may not be right for them.

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