
Why do Conservatives think that the dysfunctional Palin family is beyond reproach?

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Imagine if President Obama's family was as dysfunctional, would the public outcry be greater?

Teen pregnancy, DUI's, abuse of power, secession from the Union, where does this nightmare end?




  1. I don't. But I do think 20 yr old DUIs and trashing a 17 yr old girl for doing the right thing after making a mistake is typical Liberal tastelessness.

    Obama himself is dysfunctional yet Liberals look the other way on truely troubling aspects of his life. Many of them much more recent than anything you've found with the Palins.

  2. Because they are Republicans, that's why!

  3. It is not right to bring children and family members into politics unless there is definitely a criminal background that has been condoned by the politician.  I know that if I was up for a promotion on my job, that I would want it to be on my merit.  My work and my family are two separate things.  

    There are a lot of teen pregnancies, Obama is the product of one, yet no one says anything about that and they shouldn't.  A one time DUI that happened 22 years ago to a spouse means what? Obama did cocaine as a kid, so what?  I am sure we all have something in our past.  It is not a nightmare.

    They are scrutinizing Palin like no other candidate.  A lot of the scrutiny is sexist.  Would they ask the same questions of a man?  Look at what they did to Hillary.  It was the same thing.  It is not right when done on either side of the fence.


  4. I tell you, the Palin Family deserves it's own Lifetime Mini-series.  

  5. The republicans just love her!!!!!!

  6. Obama's mother was an unwed teen mother, he did coke, he used to be a muslim now he's not, blah blah blah.

  7. Teen Pregnancy: obviously the first to ever happen right?

    DUI: small compared to obamas coke habit

    Abuse of power: Unsubstatiated, and unproven.

    Secession from the union: Libeal spin. No party affiliation whatsoever, then again, your boy obama claims he'll stand with the muslims, so....

  8. I don't see anything disfunctional in the Palin

    family. Families everywhere are experiencing

    out of wedlock pregnancies.

    Obama is the one with the dismal past. Past

    Muslim, past drug user, still smoker, past love

    of Farakhan, Pastor White, the N.Y. bomber,

    won't wear American flag pin, and won't say

    the Pledge of Allegiance. about

    dysfunctional....Obama's the one who fits that


  9. Bipolar you obviously need to adjust your meds......

    95% of the American People are "dysfunctional" to one degree or another.....

    As for DUI's that was 22 years ago if DUI's stopped you from public service 3/4 of Congress would be gone including liberal Teddy Kennedy and what of NOBama's admitted use of illegal drugs...... did you forget about that Liberal?

  10. I don't think anybody is above reproach.  I'm voting McCain/Palin because I'm a Republican and their views come closer to matching mine than the person with the most liberal voting record in Senate history.  I couldn't care any less about Palin's wacky family than you do about Obama's wacky pastor.

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