
Why do Customers at my Job Stare at Me?

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I work in a supermarket deli and the customers just stand there and stare at me while I'm slicing their cold cuts. Or if they're waiting in line while I'm helping someone else, they still tend to stare at you. Even if someone else is helping them they'll still stare at me. I sometimes would like to ask them how they would like it if I came to their job and stared at them while they were trying to work because it's very unnerving and people looking at me for inconceivable reasons really annoys me. Is there any proper way to handle this?




  1. It's because you are in the limelight. Especially with food. I am very much interested in how people are handling my food when I place an order. If I can see how they are handling the food I will be eating I will watch too.

    I understand how you feel though. I worked in retail for nearly 8 years and sometimes I just wanted to crawl into a corner in the fetal position and just hide from everyone.

    That was my sign that it was time for a career change.

  2. They are probably trying to make eye contact with you so they can ask you for help. As for those who you've already talked to and are still staring... who knows lol.

  3. It sounds like you are very self conscious.  When you are in a customer service position, you have to expect people to look at you.  You are, in effect, in their visual field.  Their minds are probably a million miles away, in fact.  If you work in a supermarket, maybe you could wear a little viser-type thing.  Say you're light sensitive and the flourescent lights can give you a headache (this actually does happen to me), and then you can avoid seeing them staring.  You just look up from under your viser to take their order, then lower your head so the viser protects you from knowing that they are looking at you.  Maybe you should look into getting another job where you are not before the public so much.  Just a thought.

  4. It could be a couple of reasons ~

    1.  You are so irresistibly good looking that they just cannot stop

    2..  You are extremely self conscious and they are merely not staring, but just looking and you happen to catch their glance at the same time

    3.  You work in the food service industry and people are quite interested in what those who work in the industry do.  They are probably more "nosy" than anything else.  They aren't actually "staring" at you in particular, they are watching what you are doing and just meet eye contact with you.

    I wouldn't worry about this.  When it happens find another subject to fill your mind.  Do this time after time and you'll find that little by little it will bother you less and less. You are obsessing about this but it can be stopped.  Good luck!!!!

    Peace & Love  :)

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