
Why do Cyclists Do This?

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This is a question for serious cyclists who enter those bicycle races, wear those spandex outfits and wear helmets.

Why do you pedal your bicycles in the middle of the lane at 10mph, so that streams of cars have to line up behind you?




  1. If one is bicycling in Vancouver, the rules are as follows:

    1. When ridden on any roadway, a bicycle rider has all of the rights and responsibilities of any vehicle. (RCW 46.61.755) Unless bicycles are specifically excluded, all traffic laws apply to bicycles. All violations are subject to issuance of an infraction.

    2. Depends on the number and types of lanes as well as the traffic in the area. A bicycle traveling at the speed of traffic may use the middle of the lane.

    3. A bicycle traveling at less than the speed of the traffic flow should ride as near as is safe to the right side of the right lane except when preparing to turn, passing another vehicle or on a one way street where it is legal to ride on the left side of the roadway. (RCW 46.61.770)

    4. Bicyclists may ride on the right shoulder, but this is only required on limited access roadways, (such as freeways).

    5. A bicyclist should ride in the middle of the right lane when the lane is too narrow to permit side by side sharing of the lane with motor vehicles and hazards prevent safe operation of the bicycle on the shoulder or at the right edge of the lane.

    6. A bicyclist must pull off a 2-lane roadway, like any other slow moving vehicle, when five or more vehicles are lined up behind it, if there is sufficient area for a safe turnout. (RCW 46.61.427)

    7. At intersections, bicycles will normally follow the same path as other vehicles. At difficult or dangerous intersections, riders may dismount and use the crosswalks.

  2. another motorist, proving once again, that he paid attention in drivers-ed just enough to pass his license exam.

    read your states traffic laws. I guarantee, that you (as a motorist) are required to yield to bicycles (and other slower moving traffic, i.e. horses, mopeds, scooters, etc.). I will also guarantee that bicyclists are allowed right of way to as much of the lane as is necessary for them to operate their vehicle safely. yes, that means I can ride just off the yellow line if the road is all beat up otherwise.

    we're (cyclists) growing in number, and unless you want to spend the rest of your days in an 8X6 cell, learn to "deal" with us..

    ps-I'm sorry you weren't there last week, when I blew the doors off a semi, going 35mph in a 30, because he couldn't manuever the s-turns. he just laughed when he caught up to us at the light. of course, if you were stuck behind him, you were probably cussing him out..

  3. Riders who do this are stupid. THey should be further to the right, allowing cars who pass. I'm sure that if you see uniformed cyclists riding together, 10 mph is an understatement. My average road speed is about 18.

    Besides, you have a car, you will get to your destination on time so stop your biatching you little carcrippled shiteater!

  4. 10 mph? To slow.  Trust me, I like to ride 30-50- miles at a time and the LAST thing I want is to be around any cars. We all know there are thousands of terrible drivers out there. If we MUST share the road then cut me some slack and I'll be happy to keep out of your way as much as I can

  5. Cars are not allowed on the road during the race. The course is closed for anything but bikes for the duration of the competition. I never slow down to 10 mph, ever. Do you know about cycling? Your ignorance is obvious.

  6. RV's block the roads,.

    People walk dogs without leashes and don't cleanup after them.

    Garbage trucks make way too much noise early in the morning.

    Cars speed 15mph over the limit on low speed neighborhood roads.

    Cyclists are legal. some of the above are not.

    Learn the laws, accept what is legal, fight either the law or the law breaker, but leave us legal users of the roads enough room to be safe.

    It is iillegal to have a race on roads without a permit- -talk to whoever has the permit.. Bet its lack of your knowing what was going on.

  7. If you are in a race, why are there cars?  O yea the support guys.

  8. a rule of the road for cyclists, when you are in a tight spot, don,t crowd yourself, stay in the middle of the road, until you get to a safe spot,    yeah, i know, bicycle road hogs, but it is the only way,     figure the cyclist might get stuck in a grating, that has happened to me,    give cyclists a break,   you know all those potholes and whatnot in the bike lane, or near the curb,      

  9. I find this whole situation kinda funny but the cyclists guy totally made it worse for his case. All caps never the way to go.

  10. A girl in my bike club got run over a few months ago.  She was making a legal left-hand turn, but couldn't get through the intersection before the light changed.  The car driver, apparently not paying attention, floored the gas pedal as soon as the light changed and ran right over the cyclist, breaking many of her bones and putting her in the hospital.  

    Do you think the car driver said to himself that night, "Yeah, well, the cyclist shouldn't have got in my way..."?  If you kill a cyclist with your 6000-lb truck, how are you going to feel?  Give us a break.


  12. What's your point?

    I race.  During races, there is traffic control, often by local and state police.  If you have a problem with that, attend your local town hall meetings, or write to your representatives.

    During training rides on the road, I follow traffic laws.   I hope you do too.  Cyclists have the same right to be on the road that motorists do.

    The only time I go as slow as 10 mph is when climbing really steep hills.  I'd like to go faster but I can't.  Sorry. Deal with it.

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