
Why do Deeply religious people ALWAYS vote republican?

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Religious people favoured Bush over Kerry in the 2004 election too. 66% to 30%!




  1. Republicans have the moral values and that policies that religious people care about.

  2. they try to live by Gods law. Republican beliefs are closer to that than liberals beliefs.

  3. I would say mainly because of abortion, if you are pro-life (you do not hate women and do not want them to have control of their bodies') you believe abortion is murder. It would be no different for you to kill me than a doctor to preform an abortion. There are a lot of abortions every year, and if you think that many people are being legally murdered then you would want to change it.

    Also, Republicans are more likely to support things religious people support.  

  4. Another question is why are deeply religious people, especially Evangelical, so Pro Gun, and Pro capital punishment, and Pro War...Wasn't is Jesus himself who said  "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite-fully use you, and persecute you" - Matthew 5:44, and of course there is Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth." and Matthew 5:7 " Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy", and Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the Peacekeepers, for they are the children of God."  All straight from Jesus mouth to his disciples on the mountainside.  Do these sayings represent what our current evangelical president thinks, or what our possible new vice president thinks?  Which party acts in closer alignment to what the Jesus preached 2,000 years ago?

  5. What do you mnean by deeply religious?  Right wing christian evangelicals?  What does that havbe to do with being "deeply religious?"

    Jesus himself supposedly said "It is easier for a camel to pass through the ey of a needle than a rich man to enter Heaven."  I guess that leaves Pat Robinson, McCain and his 7 houses and a lot of others who are supposedly "deeply regilious" knocking on Heaven's door.

    Can  Buddhist or Hindu or  Moslem or a Native American be "deeply religious?"

    I think you need to explain yourself.

  6. Sorry, wrong.

  7. Because they have this delusional belief that they will ban abortion. Yea right.

  8. Obviously they don't always vote that way--your statistics prove that.  It's the extremists who vote for an increasingly extreme and out of touch GOP.  The other 30% of devout people--I would say the truly devout--are fed up with Republicans' social irresponsibility and disgusting displays like Guiliani's mocking of Obama's experience as a community organizer.

  9. This country is religious but does not say in public that the religion preferred is Catholic or Christian and nothing else.  Why you think they keep talking about the evangelical voters on CNN?  It is because certain people believe that politics or at least issues like the economy deserves to have some kind of religion attached to it.  I think it is linear thinking and selfish.

  10. Because Republicans generally are in support of things liek banning abortion and g*y marriage.

  11. ALWAYS is a big word - it hardly ever applies to anything.

    They don't ALWAYS vote republican.

    In fact, the article you cited was speaking of WHITE people who are deeply religious - and still - in order for ALWAYS to apply - it would have to be 100% to 0%.

    A lot of white Christians vote republican - because over the years - the Christian beliefs have been adopted by the republican party - and visa versa.

  12. Because religious people always vote for someone like them even if it is a rich boy, draft dodger, coke head, drunk, imbecile.

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