
Why do Demcrats think that the polls determines who is winning?

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That's just an inaccurate count of the Presidential candidates. However, they demand it to be true, as if it speaks in volumes.




  1. We don't. We know it was the Supreme Court in 2000 and Diebold in 2004, so  we are watching you very carefully. It is a little strange that you guys were such big believers just two weeks ago when McCain seemed to have caught up, but not at any other time. Now take your pathetic wishful thinking elsewhere, please!

  2. because their supporters take the poll on a computer.  on election day, they will be too high or drunk to get to the polls.  maybe the dems will set up vans to go into the ghetto again to get the crack heads out to in 2004.

  3. Demcrats? Democrats don't think the same. Why do you generalize

  4. It's their way along with the media of trying to influencing the voters to vote for their Golden Boy.

  5. What Democrats do you know that think that. Why do people like you Generalize based on categories.  

  6. They think if they tell the same lies long and loud enough, then maybe they can convince themselves.  

  7. Because it is a statistical count of voters and who they will vote for. If McCain was in the lead, you folks would be ranting and raving. As someone who voted for Reagan (gasp!)  who is now voting Obama - I strongly urge you to look past party rhetoric and look at the issues. I for one refuse to vote for a party that only wants the top 1% of America to succeed and leave the other 99% to fight over the scraps. I laugh at the fact that people were bought off by tax cuts and money from the govt. It just goes to show how gullible the public is. If you like bad roads, collapsing bridges, and public education in the toilet - Vote republican.  

  8. Polls are an indication.  The fact that they are temporarily distorted now, due to the democrat convention, is temporary.  Who cares what they think.  There is only one poll that matters.  Just wait for that one.

    In the meantime, don't let the inexperienced voters and immature among us rile you.


  9. Yet if they were in favor of McCain, you'd be saying different, amirite?

  10. They say that becasue their guy is leading in the poll. If he were down by 8 points they would say, "Polls don't mean anything."

  11. You know what so funny, Republicans do the same thing.

    You should have put this question in the joke category.

  12. according to who?

  13. I don't think its just democrats that uses poll results for their debates.  For a few days last week John McCain was ahead in the polls and republican supporters posted hundreds of questions about their results and democrats supporters discounted them.  Now that Obama is again leading in the polls we have democrats using them as and republicans discounting them.

    Polls only offer a slice of information of a electorate which happen to been home when the calls come.  It really doesn't determine much beside the trend data of these specific people who answer polls.  The best information about how the Presidential candidates are doing we will not receive until Nov. 5th, the day after the election.

  14. Wow he is only up by 5 today he should be up more  after his convention.McCain  2008!!!!

  15. I am a Dem and believe me I know it's not in the bag yet.  There's probably plenty up ahead for us to learn about before we vote.

    If there is justice in America the dems will win, if there is not then repubs will win.

    At least if 'Cain wins I will know without a doubt what kind of country I live in.

  16. huh?  What are you talking about?  Do you even know what you're talking about?

    Both parties look at the polls.  If you don't think they do, then you really need to get out in the world and learn about statistical analysis.  It's a math thing so it may be hard for you girls.

  17. He has an 8 point lead.

  18. The same reason the Republicans rely on the poles to say that McCain has a chance at the presidency, and that its a "close race".

  19. I don't, but every time McCain is ahead which is hardly never.  Republicans always post the poll and start bragging.

    Trouble is, McCain is EIGHT points behind Obama in the polls now.

    Since Republicans  won't post it, "I will this time".

  20. I don't believe they are true but I don't discount them as insignificant.  They are a generally accurate view at any period in time.

    The real problem is, as we saw with Dubya in Florida, Stalin was right when he said, "The voters decide nothing.  Those that count the votes decide everything".

  21. It measures graphically how the campaign is going on in a certain period in time.  It gives the math geeks something to hope for, even though it might be inaccurate.

    However, how accurate it is, might be questionable, since I know that my opinion wasn't included in that poll.  Was yours?

  22. Are republicans like yourself such absolutists? I don't remember ever thinking or saying that so don't group me in that. Let's use that brain that God gave each and everyone of us and stop being simple minded in the remarks that we make. Okay? Now run along and play with your Barbies until you can come up with so more absolute marks.

    Mike- why isn't that what republicans such as yourself are doing right now? Polls don't count because McCain's not up.

    B Hussein Osama loves Hollywood - why do you continue to make yourself look like a ********? Why?

  23. Polls are normally the only accurate way to gauge the way the election is going. It's called "science."

  24. Yeah, all those 18 year olds supporting Obama better pre-arrange their rides to to the polling stations.

  25. Because they're idiots.

  26. oh please, blue orchid, spare us. You have been around long enough to know yours is an unfounded question. Just several days ago, when some polls showed the race to be a virtual dead heat, there were tons of questions by the right about how obama was going down to defeat--the polls showed it!! You are intelligent enough to know the polls mean nothing, regardless as to who is "ahead". To say it's one party (or the other) who deem the polls "gospel" is rather slanted, wouldn't you agree?

  27. Because, apparently, Democrats don't know how elections actually work.  You go out to vote in November for the delegate in the Electoral College, and they, in turn, will vote for the next President.  The popular  vote means little.

  28. they are not accurate, I believe Obama will win in a landslide and not by the 8 points the daily gallup poll has him. After all, the polls do not  count the new voters the young voters who never voted before, and who this time will turn out in droves, not to mention the women that will turn out after seeing how McCain patronized them by putting a woman in the ticket and thinking they will vote without  thinking

  29. But isnt Obama winning the electoral vote ?

  30. It seems like the Republicans put a LOT of weight in the polls, as well, particularly when McCain closes the gap.

    Oh, I get it, THOSE polls are good, but when Obama opens a bigger lead in the polls, then it doesn't matter.

    Personally, I wish they'd do away with them altogether.  The only poll that matters is the vote count and the exit polls.  Anything else is a meaningless snapshot that only serves as fodder for spin.

  31. We all saw what happened when Gore was running.  He was for sure going to win because of the younger voters, and look what happened! No one showed up to the polls! So, lets just see what happens on election day!

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