
Why do Democrats hate the patriotic song "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"?

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  1. I love that song. Especially the part about the grapes of wrath where Republicans get trampled.

  2. I'm a Democrat and I like the song.

    Why do Republicans have to resort to lies?

  3. Just because you say a group hates something doesn't mean it is the truth.

  4. Probably because it assumes there is a just, righteous and powerful God who is on the side of America, all concepts that infuriate the liberals.

  5. I am a democrat and I don't hate that song.

  6. Great! Another case of someone who believes everything they read on Wikipedia. If your trying to drive another wedge between Republicans and Democrats this country was a Democracy before it was a Republic.

    From a Democrat who loves that song.

  7. You can't be serious.

    There is absolutely zero basis of fact in this idiotic question.

    I bet you're some ignorant Conservative who thinks being a Democrat and opposing a pointless war means being unpatriotic. Pathetic.

  8. The democrat party has been taken over by every left wing fringe group out there. They now try to cater not to your average American, who wants simply to work and live peaceably, but to every nut who wants the government to babysit and cater to them. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama and Biden perform oral s*x on each other on stage to get the g*y vote.

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