
Why do Democrats play nasty? Why do they want to punish people who will not go along with their attacks?

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Reid: Lieberman could lose his chairmanship

By Manu Raju

Now what kind of American would vote for a party, that would do something like this? We have the right to vote for who we please without pressure of attacks and slander.

Posted: 05/12/08 06:50 PM [ET]

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) could be stripped of his chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee after the next election, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has said.




  1. If you remove 'Democrats' and replace it with 'political parties' I think you have a good question. This right now, as it stands, is basically a form of 'rant'.

  2. How does bashing Obama help the Economy?/?

    What exactly is the plan, at least Obama actually has a plan

    What a frigging joke.

    Wake up.

  3. Lieberman betrayed his party. If a Republican had done the same thing and openly endorsed a Democrat, the Republicans would have had him tarred and feathered.

  4. Hopefully there will be a backlash and people will vote the incumbents out of congress.

  5. It's not very likely to happen, but if it did, I wouldn't cry about it.  What do the Dems owe Lieberman?  He lost his party's primary.  But rather than support the winner, he ran against him as an independent.  Now he's supporting the Republican presidential candidate.  Let him become a Republican, and let his new friends appoint him to something.

  6. !st answer is my answer also.

  7. If the shoe fits....

    Last nights highlights:

    Rudy G: "This is no time for on the job training"

    One of them made that "will THEY be there at 3 am to take the call?" HAA!!!!! Will SHE???

    We're not afraid to VETO....I'll bet.

    OBAMA never fought any war....DID THEY? DID GW?

    And that old hockey joke that was all over the internet all day...very original.

    And that finger wagging, snarling, and demure soft voice act she put on....that was brilliant...take a bow sister.

    One more thing...they pulled the video because speeches went OVER?

    Excuse me they should have pulled a SPEAKER, not her was HER night.

    But my guess is they made her look like a high and mighty Maverick in her video and then decided that wasn't going to sell. Probably this is more true as how she came across at the RNC last night was NOT how she came busting out when they presented her last week.

    If that is true and they can't even plan a CONVENTION how will they run GOVERNMENT.

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