
Why do Democrats say that McCain will get us into a war?

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When it has historically been Democrats that have been in charge when we get involved in a war. Republicans deal with things as they happen. Democrats tend to ignore what they don't want to acknowledge, which makes things much worse in the long run.




  1. McCain will have to get us into a war with Iran if he wants to save our economy. Iran has been pushing to take Euros instead of Dollars for oil. If this happens our economy will collapse. This is why our gov. has been making Iran out to be evil and on the brink of nuclear weapons. Just like the lie of WMDs in Iraq. Every drop of oil is traded in Dollars today so every country in the world has to buy Dollars from us so they can buy oil and we just keep printing more and more dollars so we can buy up everything china makes. but as soon as the world doesn't need dollars anymore and switches to the Euro (for example) we will be dead broke and no one will take our currency. We either have to stop the trade deficit and go back to the gold standard or we will go the way of the Roman empire. But the stop gap until we get there will be to go to war in Iran and keep forcing the world to use dollars and not euros for oil. That's why McCain will have to go to war.

  2. It is a bit hard when we are already at war with the Arabs, the muslims the commies, the free thinkers of the planet, oh and last but not least wonder the intelligent life upstairs does not want to talk to us!! We are still rock apes playing with sticks and stones!!

  3. In looking at his first response with Russia/Georgia conflict wasn't his first thought military...If he had been President I can't help but wonder if we would now be at war with Russia. Bush/Cheney are republicans and didn't they push for the war in Iraq with every breath they had. McCain shoots from the lip first and then asks questions. I want a President who actually thinks before he acts.

  4. That's not so. When Clinton was in office, were we at war? I can't think of a time when dems were in office, we were involved in a war. Ever since the republicans been in office we've been in some sort of conflict that leads to a war. think about it.

  5. Because they have nothing except namecalling and fearmongering to use.

    Their own candidate is such an idiot with such a ludicrous program they can't possibly sell it.

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