
Why do Dems and Obama want 12% unemployment , 21% interest rates, and 18% inflation?

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  1. because it's the recipe for socialism.

  2. No one wants that.....where are your sources???? Stop spreading lies!!!! Historically, Democrats handle the economy way better than the Republicans who tax the poor and middle class high and give tax breaks to the rich. Obama is giving tax breaks to every family that makes under $250,000.00. How much of a tax break did Bush gave you because I know you make no more than $250,000.00. You're talking about Carter during the 60's, how about recently during Clinton administration??? Where the budget was NOT in deficit, but in a surplus, and Bush messed that one up---nothing new...He messed up everything else!

  3. I don't think they want that.

  4. You are just a republican trying to persuade the public into believing that your ancient candidate is the best choice.  To be honest with you, I never thought that after Bush there would ever be a single republican left in this country, but I noticed there's a bunch of crazies out there such as yourself.  Get over it, Barack Obama will win, and if you don't like it, then tough, move out.

  5.   They don't. But I won't be surprised if George Bush gets us pretty close to those numbers, so the GOP can start blaming Obama for them the minute he takes office.  

  6. it reminds them of the jimmy carter days...

  7. Maybe you should back up your numbers.  

  8. The only way you get an Obama/Carter correlation is if you listen to Fox News and those who lie for them.

    The idea is insane for SO many reasons! In the 70's the stock market was at 5000, the avg income was less than $15,000 and there was Vietnam that just ended. Not to mention the numerous acts and laws that didn't exist then.

  9. Well it seems that you are a troll....but at least I get 2 points.

  10. You really should read the information you sent us a link to. Further down it states that Jimmy Carter replaced Miller with Volker as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and that eventually Volker got the economy back on track. Carter also spent 10 days at Camp David with Governors from different states to get their views. He came away with the knowledge that America had no confidence. He gave his "malaise" speech which was well received and is now considered one of the finest ever given. It's also well known now that if we had

    listened to him in 1979 about changing our dependence on foreign oil we would not be in the mess we're in today. All of that is your link. You really should read what you want us to read.

  11. Because we've got a HUGE deficit now (gee, no mention of that little fact). There is war on you know & we have to pay Haliburton so tricky d**k can get a dividend, get a new shotgun & shoot a friend.With any luck the war on terror will be as sucsessful as the war on drugs & the war on poverty. I think we should do everything in our power to bring end to the planet so then after we are gone the polar bears will return.

    So great choices we have, fascists or socialists. I'll take socialism, comrade.

  12. Because they are shortsighted and dumb

  13. They sure do.  The biggest joke are those who use the Clinton years and the surpluses that we had (which were all spent, so we did not actually have a surplus.  None of it was used to reduce the deficit).  They simply ignore the FACT that the Congressional Budget Office was projecting those surpluses long before Clinton became President.  Ross Perot used them to support his platform during the 92 election.

    The myth of the "better educated" Obama supporter is shattered each and every time a liberal takes to the keyboard.

    Remember, Obama supporters think we can tax our way back to prosperty, just like that peanut farmer did.

  14. First of all my uneducated friend, unemployment was never at 12 percent since we started keeping track. The highest it ever got was under reagan at a little over 10 percent.

    If we wanted to see unemployment at 12 percent, we would be voting mccain

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