
Why do Dems in Congress want a 6-wk vacation when gas prices are hurting the US & options are on the table?

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  1. There are not only no reasonable options on the table, there are no options on the table that would affect gas prices in the next ten years.  And even after the ten-year period had passed, gas prices would go down about a nickel a gallon.  Do more research, and don't just listen to Repub. politicians!

    The oil companies have tens of millions of acres of land leased where they could drill, yet they have not.  Ask yourself, why not?  Is it in their interests to keep supply low and make higher profits?  Exxon just posted another all-time high profit in the last quarter.

    We CANNOT drill ourselves out of this situation.

  2. Because there is NOTHING Congress can do about gasoline prices, even if they only take a six hour vacation.  If you're excited about the proposal to remove the federal tax on fuels, that's only 18 cents per gallon.  Not much relief there.

  3. So the Republicans won't have much opportunity to embarrass the Democrats into signing off on oil drilling before the elections.  

    The Democrats don't want the Environmentalists rioting at their national convention.

  4. Because, like any other working American, they get vacation time.  It's as much of a right of theirs as it is yours.  

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