
Why do Detroit fans feel the need to bash the Lightning?

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I know Nips does it for fun, in his ridiculous homer ways.

RWD thinks Lightning fans are idiots by his own admission.

Is it that Red Wings fans feel threatened by the Lightning taking some of the spotlight this off-season?

I am not aware of any real rivalry. Why are RED Wings fans PERSISTENTLY bashing the Lightning? You never see any other Original 6 teams make a big stink about one of the pathetic southern teams…we are an “easy win” to them.

Is it just to tick me off? Is Melrose getting hired that big of a deal? If you don’t like the Lightning, why would you care if a team that you dislike, makes a bad deal?

What am I missing?




  1. Well it could be worse...Other teams fans BASH the Flyers and their fans constantly on here.I'm always sticking up for the fans because people think all Flyers fans are drunks who fight constantly and whatever.Its ridiculous.

    Also to think a team is a DYNASTY after winning ONE Cup in a row is alittle far fetched.

  2. It has more to do with Detroit's insane jealousy of any city with moderate NFL success (Arizona or more specifically Phoenix notwithstanding). Red Wings fans bash Lightning fans because they are also Lions fans who haven't had the chance to watch NFL caliber football since the mid-1950s. Tampa had also been mediocre in football, but became contenders in the mid-1990s and eventually won a Super Bowl.  

  3. I know I haven't made any comments about the TBL. I did say a little while ago that they won't do as good as what people say they will this year, but in years to come. I'd like to know who is just being stupid though. There is no reason to really.

  4. The hiring of Barry Melrose makes no sense.  He hasn't coached since 1995, and really, was a one-hit wonder in LA, and bombed out quickly.  In those 12-13 years, he's been a talking head good at making opinion with little supporting evidence.  He hasn't been in the game (not in a scouting role, assistant, player development...zilch).  

    You have an owner with ties to Hollywood who seemingly is going for glitz and glamour (given his upbringing he "should" know better).  In your own division, you have Washington (a team that could be really good next year), Carolina (a solid core), and Atlanta (who did very well in offloading Hossa).  

    I'm not bashing Tampa, but the manner in which they've assembled things is curious to be kind.  

    There is the small matter of the fact that Calgary scored a perfectly valid goal in Game 6 of the 2004 final that would have sent the Cup to Alberta.  

  5. (Most) Redwing fans are just ignoramuses and try to bash eveyone and thing...i can't wait till next year when the Devils win the cup and I can become (more)ignorant.  8P~

  6. "I honestly was glad to see them win the cup, on the simple premise that I was sick of seeing them CHOKE in the playoffs." If I had a nickel every time someone said that I would quit my day job buy me a winter house in Tampa.  

    4 Cups in 11 years, Is there another team is professional sports that can say that, what choke?

    I really don't care what happens to Melrose.  Tampa needed a guy to get there players motivated, they felt Melrose was the best guy. That said, it does get him off ESPN, which is both better for the league ;p. Obviously Melrose is in a good situation.  If he finished higher than dead last in the Eastern Conference, he can say he improved the team.

  7. I am not sure why that is the case.  I think tampa bay is making a great effort to try to get back to what they were.  However ask the rangers, the avalanche and other teams like them if that equates success, most of the fans will tell you no.  I can't believe they spent a certain amount on gomez etc.  

  8. TB has a team yes. They're the team a "retirement community in a southern state" expressed interest in

    I don't know Trombass but whoever it is I will gladly buy them a bottle of tequila :)

  9. It's ok Haley... they underestimate our "pathetic Southern teams," and that will just make our rise to power that much more of a shock.  

  10. Sorry, haven't been around lately and all because of work and the work required to move from Det to Indiana, and now in Pitt.

    I'll admit....


    Equal Opportunity Basher...

    A lot of you don't recall that TB was owned by a fellow Detroiter. The issue you bring up is because of the the hatred between the 2 guys that compete for publicity etc in the city of Detroit. I'm sure some have bashed you or TBL because of the free spending they did this off season. There are a lot of hockey fans that are laughing at the prospect of Smellrose as a head coach again especially Detroit fans and It seems to many teams, that the way to win is to buy the players and there was may have been a slight chance of jealousy after TB won a few years ago.

  11. There might be some kind of envy there someplace.

    You know I have even met someone who went to Tampa for a vacation. Can't say the same thing about Detroit and I used to live an hour from there.

    We used to have an old riddle about Detroit. What is the best thing about Detroit?

    Answer: There are two ways to get to Windsor.

  12. TB has a hockey team???

  13. You'd figure winning the Cup a few years back would give them a pass.  I suppose the Leafs are too easy a target anymore.

  14. I haven't really noticed any Red Wings fans bashing the Lightning, but I have heard them STILL bashing my Pens (it's been TWO months!!!) My guess is that they don't like the spotlight not being on them and they feel that they have to take out the "competition."  

  15. I don't bash the Lightning, do I? If I did I would stand up and admit it. I'm sorry if my fellow fans have been irritating, I don't see why any Red Wings fan would really have the need to bash them.

  16. well i am a Wing fan and i have never said anything about the lightening that i just don't honestly see ( lack of Goaltending and Defense.) granted i haven't been on Y/A all that much anymore but i don't really notice Wings fans Bashing Tampa

  17. I bash everybody.

    I believe I targeted naive and overzealous TBL fans.  You were never one of them.

    I am not going to retract any statement I made regarding MOST TBL fans.  There are a handful of TBL fans I've seen on here that know what they're talking about.  I don't bash TBL so much as Barry Melrose and some dumb fans that annoy me.  Here's a list of teams that I bash more than Tampa Bay:

    1.  Pittsburgh

    2.  Anaheim

    3.  Colorado

    4.  Montreal

    5.  Toronto

    6.  Chicago

    7.  Washington

    8.  Edmonton

    9.  Minnesota

    10.  Buffalo

    If people get their feelings hurt by answers to questions that warrant opinionated statements, then they shouldn't be asking questions along the lines of "Don't you think TBL is gonna win the cup 4 times this season?" or "Is steve stamkos going to score 352 goals in his first 6 games?"

    I also don't see how NIPS was bashing Tampa Bay.  I would hate Barry Melrose even if he was asked to come to Detroit.  I don't see how bashing Tampa Bay is related to bashing Melrose and his outdated, greasy mullet that he keeps around to entertained the dull-minded casual hockey fan who actually believes that Melrose knows anything about the sport.

    Red Wings fans are never in the spotlight.  We don't play in the Eastern Conference.  This means that the media saturated Eastern Conference and its plethora of overrated offensive superstars that play for teams that can only run 2 lines with confidence take all of the cameras with them, leaving Henrik Zetterberg and Pavel Datsyuk with plenty of time to hit the weightroom, spend a few minutes extra on the ice, and watch game films of the next hyped up superstar that they will completely shut down and embarass when they next meet.

    If you think that RED WINGS fans are the only ones to send any harsh criticism south of the mason-dixon line, then you obviously dont listen to anything a habs fan will tell you because they are BY FAR the worst.  maybe that's because you're a montreal sympathizer yourself.  wings fans are definitely not the only ones to talk down to southern fans.

    tomjc - Windsor is nothing more than a parasite that feeds off of Detroit.  Inferiority complex?  It's funny how, with every possible answer, you will try to squeeze in some cowardly little comment that bashes Americans in one way or another.  Don't even talk to me about "Redneck states that don't allow g*y marriage" when you're referring to 48 f*cking states out of 50.  Do you not understand that 98% of whatever province you currently live in is uninhabited?  Don't bash any American city let alone mine, because I can name 235 reasons why Michigan is better than whatever the f*ck random patch of land 25 hours from the nearest village with electricity and running water upon which you decided to squat.  There is absolutely nothing outside of Windsor, and not a whole lot within the city limits.  The city itself looks like they tried to build a Detroit replica, and then stopped when they realized nobody cares about Windsor.  There's about 10 buildings that boast a modest height of 300 ft. or more, and they are spread along 10 miles of DETROIT River coastline, with low-rise apartments and mundane 3 story office buildings scattered between them.  Please tell me what is so great about leaving Michigan and staying in Windsor for more than 5 minutes unless you're an American between the ages of 19 and 20 and need to find a place to drink for the night?  You're pathetic.

    Zam knows.

  18. I don't see it...

  19. I find it more than a bit amusing in a question/rant where you complain about your favorite team being bashed, you resort to the same tactics.

    In what world do winning 4 cups over the last 11 years make the Red Wings choke artists?  

    Clears throat.......

    There are just as many people on here who constantly bash the Red Wings AND most of those resort to bottom-of-the-barrel tactics where they take pot shots at the city itself and its people,  mostly just because they can't say anything negatively valid about the team.

    If I had a dollar for every time somebody had a laugh on here about the people, crime, or about an economy that has destroyed the lives of many of my family and friends - and along with forcing me to leave a place I STILL PROUDLY CALL HOME...... well let's just say the first couple rounds would be on me for everyone here.

    So the next time you get so worked up over somebody jabbing at your coach or your hockey team.  Imagine them constantly jabbing at your friends, family, and the place you loved growing up.  All because of jealousy over a successful professional sports team.

    **** BARTENDER- I got hers.  Just as I was unaware that Wings fans were bashing your team, I guess you were unaware that a bunch of Warcraft playing, basement dwellers who watched Robocop once, constantly claim to know what the city of Detroit is like (anybody seen Ssuheman??) and rip on it as being some crack infested war zone.  I guess its all what you are sensitive to. I wasn't actually offended by anything you wrote, just bothered by the fact that if thats the worst ripping you take because of your hockey team, consider yourself lucky.

  20. The only thing I've said is that they don't have much of a defense and don't expect them to win it all.  What's wrong with that?

    NIPS: Columbus is still further east.  They'd go first.

    HabsFan: "What kind of person would buy a (last) place hockey team?"

  21. wow relax there the bolts have made some great step in the right direction but they have an older squad and not as good defense.  i'd say maybe playoffs.    

  22. I wasnt bashing them, I want to know what people really think of the Melrose signing..... To me 2 and 2 doesnt make 4 in that situation.

    I dont bash them at all, I just point out that I think that their weakness is in Defense and perhaps coaching.... cause we really dont have a clue to what Barry might do and how well the players will respect him after him being an analyst for so long. That is the big "?" surrounding them, IMO!

    I actually do think they will be a playoff team, but fall short with the inexperience they have in Defense and Goaltending (yes Smith will be the starter from what I read) I personally think they will have to make up for that next offseason and will learn from that to become a better team. But thats just MY OPINION.

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