
Why do Environmentalists Want to convince us about global warming? Is it just to Control us?

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I don't understand their motives.




  1. Ever wonder if the scientists and environmentalists are right...or do you only listen to what FOX and other news agencies have to say?

  2. I know! Okay- I don't even know if I believe in global warming! It could happen, but we have no proof that it is.

    We've only been keeping track of the earth's climate for the past 100+ year. This could just be a typical cycle/pattern we are going through.

    And I know. It's annoying and I don't understand their motives either.

  3. Mostly.

    Some of them have always thought they knew better than everyone else and when one theory fails they just jump to another one.

    And some of them have just really drank the kool-aid and passionately believe everything Al Gore says because they believe he was robbed of the presidency so for some reason he must be an authority on any number of important matters.

  4. It's because of fear and possible danger to humans. We've all seen those movies where the world ends and mutated animals rise from the sea to kill beings on Earth. Only they've gained some evidence that they find really life-threatening. I have a friend that's very into the environment, and she thinks that humans are being very selfish with what's been given to them of nature. She had me thinking about that, and I don't know what to believe. What I do know is that the Earth has been abused for some time, and that needs to stop.


  5. Different groups have different motives.

    Starting with scientist - Since global warming, funding has increased hundreds of times. In the last decade $50 billion has been spent trying to support the AGW theory (none so far have succeeded). Scientist make a living by obtaining funding. Currently, attaching "AGW" to the study drastically increases the chance of receiving funding. Unfortunately, this also means politics has entered science. Scientist are reluctant to publish data going against AGW because of the abuse they recieve.

    IPCC - This is an easy one. The UN formed the IPCC for the sole purpose of  advancing the AGW theory. If AGW goes away tomorrow, everyone working at the IPCC loses their jobs. They must continue the theory (even if it means lying) if they want to stay in business.

    Governments - What an easy way to justify increased taxes. Sorry to say, but for governments and politicians, increased taxes equals increased power, and they are all about the power. There are also some in government whom promote socialist ideas. The basic premise is to take away our freedom and supplant government control. Already this has begun.

    Al Gore - Al Gore has profited hugely from the AGW theory. He has the movie, the Nobel Peace prize, speaking revenue, and a carbon credit company which feeds his pockets. With out AGW, he is a has been politician whom no one would care about. It is also rumoured that he needs over 2 million dollars a year just to feed his mighty appetite. Take away AGW, you have an over weight, lonely guy looking for man bear pig.

    Socialist/communist - These are the dumb masses who would love to see socialist/communist ideas implemented. They hate the USA, corporations, free markets,and capitalism. AGW gives them an easy excuse to bad mouth america and our way of life. They want to deprive you of your rights in order to bring everyone down to their level. If you need an example of this type, look at Hillary/Obama. Take form the producers of the world and give to the non producers. A sure recipe for economic down turn.

  6. I just think that they want to advise us to take care of the earth.

  7. it's all about the carbon tax. once you get that tax in affect, you can tax ANYONE in the entire world. so yes it is just about to control us.

  8. I'm just one, but I know I don't care what you think.  If you choose to ignore the facts why would anyone waste their time trying to convince you?

  9. global warming comes from fumes we release in the air. the fumes come from big factories, burning chemicals, and even your hairspay! it causes the o zone layer to decrease. when this happens it increases the temperature because the o zone layer is what protects us from the suns heat. this explains the extremely hot summers and warm winters. it is also causing the glaciers to melt where polar bears live which kills them... yes were all gonna die but lets thing ahead for the future!

  10. It's to protect the earth for future generations.  

    A better question would be why certain large corporations (mainly automobile manufacturers and oil refineries) want to convince us against global warming.  Think about their motives for a bit.

  11. Ok then listen to the animals and people in disaster areas would you believe them, none of them scientists

    Recently In Chiapas ,and Tabasco in Mexico .more then a million people became homeless overnight with water coming up to their roofs ,because of rains from super evaporation from the forests,this had never happened before. Millions of animals died.

    In India 3000 people died because of super storms .

    .A few years ago in Europe 3500 people,died during a heat wave ,many of them in France .

    Right now the average death toll annually is 150.000 due to Global warming

    . these figures are already out of date and are expected to double soon.

    In Northern China millions of people are running for their lives because regular dust storms so far have buried 900 villages under the sand and the whole of northern China is turning into a dessert.

    The Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year all around the edges ,like a slow burning fire shriveling up their neighbors In the Kalahari huge rivers have dried up and thousand of species are gone due to their habitats disappearing .

    The biggest changes are invisible at micro biotic levels species are becoming extinct ,others are multiplying ,

    This affects the insect populations that follow ,and changes in that ,affect all that follows in the food chains ,

    in the last 300 years half of the planets forests have gone

    and in the last 50 years

    half of our wet lands ,rain forests and ice fields .and 3000 species of animals .

    Global warming is but a component, in a group of destructive forces at work such as ;deforestation,desertification,soil and water contamination ,irresponsible or wasteful utilization of bio resources and air pollution.

    which we are responsible for ,

    We are now witnessing a mass Extinction of animals and plants of Biblical proportions,equal since the disappearance of the dinosaurs


    There is a series that you can download easy ,called

    bbc,Planet earth by David Attenborough.

    About 15 ---700mb videos

    this is a photographic team that has been filming Nature stories all over the world ,for a very long time .

    In 3 of the episodes called --the future--saving species(this one covers extinction and the importance of species)

    the future--living together ,ice worlds ,

    they compare films they made before of places and species to what they are filming now in the same places.

    Many scientists give commentaries as well .

    Whole migrations of animals involving millions have disappeared in only 20 years,

    in one place in the tundras ,in just 5 years


    If we want to save ourselves as a specie ,we have to address

    the problems

    We can correct most of the destructive factors

    with disciplines ,changes of attitude and habits,alternative energies ,sustainable design etc.

    All species are in Danger eventually,and each is important because all of Life on this planet is interrelated even if it is not obvious

    Imagine that the Eco system is a wall and each specie is represented by a brick

    Every brick taken out weakens the wall ,and eventually it will collapse ,which brick is the most important ???

    they are all important and we are one of the bricks

  12. Environment  means ,man and his  environment  its not only  about global  warming think about how can you make your life  good without incurring extra costs  caused by other individuals  example   one buys   a thermometer on ebay  its one of those  mercury ones it gets to her apartment  and it breaks  she trashes under the  apartment trash   via the trash shuit and the next thing you get sick  so how do you go about it?  construction in your area  make noise, dust  for  near by people  who is to fight for such  people , your question is based on global warming     now all those companies deposting wastes anywhere  yes  today it looks safe  how about afew years  are you sure  there will be no report on any health issues ,example  years back you  used to go to the dentist  and you got mercury feeling  as permanent later  years ,kids  were born hand caped so environmentalist stand up for people of today  and  tommorrwo every one today or tommorrow needs to have  snow  on  holidays in  december  in northern  hemisphere and  sun in southern hemisphere not rain and not temp 70 in dec in northern hemisphere  you want your children to know  how atree looks in different seasons ,let me ask who is to make sure this happens  and  how, who is responsible ,  how  can we build  houses  yet have enough  wood  available to repair the same houses 30 years to come , we  love cars ,how can we make sure there is enough fuel   for the next  future cars its  use what is here today safely while thinking about  others in future but not deplete like in desert  so is global warming  can  you imagin  the whole world is a dessert  so we just  do not control but  its helping a blind  person  cross the street and yet does not  know what is over the other side  even if you try to explain  he will not belive you but say you are controlling

  13. you mean so the government can tax us, so they can make a profit of of a theory , yeah .

  14. The global warming scare is about the advancement of socialism.

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