
Why do Eritreans hate Ethiopians so much?

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I mean why?

Aren't Eritreans actually Ethiopians who speak another language and live in a different country?

Why is wrong with all Eritreans, when I was on you tube and watching Eritreans music, ppl say all these rude things about Ethiopians.

And why does a majority of people say that Ethiopians are rasict people acting like they aren't black but white, not all Ethiopians are like that.

So tell me Eritreans or people who know about them

Why are you hating on Ethiopians?




  1. because they're two different countries. yes they're both in Africa and right next to each other, but once again they aren't the same coutries. Nigerian and Cameroon used to be one country, but no one says Cameroonians are just Nigerians who speak a diff lang. That's like calling people from the West Indies, Africans who speak Creole. At the end of the day they're all African but they still are two diff unique countries.

    lol as far as the rude things about Ethiopians in Eritrean music, they do have a history together resulting in why they're two different countries now. = ] hoped i helped.

    && p.s. Not all Eritrean or Ethiopians hate each other.

  2. That's a generalization.

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