
Why do Filipinos deny Negritos and think they are Asians?

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Why do the people of the Phillipins deny that the original people of the Phillipines are Negritos and they are descentants of Africa? I was born in the Phillipines.




  1. Well, technically we are all descended from Africans. There seems to have been more than one migration though, and the Negritos do seem to be the ones most likely to be like the first people.

    Like these people in the Andaman islands.


    The Modern Phillipinos probably deny it for the same reason the native Americans deny the Australoids, Ainu and Cro Magnons were in America  first. Property and land rights.

  2. They are in Asia and are therefore Asian. They are also Oriental, because the Orient is an area that includes China, Japan, Vietnam and many other countires in that area.

    Most Filipinos are of mixed descent because the Spanish got in there too and mixed things up racially.

  3. ALL humans, based on current theory at least, came from Africa.  The people of the Philippines came by way of a land bridge during one of many ice ages (which lowered sea level) or by boat/raft/canoes from Asia, the nearest land mass.  

    As per why, I don't know.  But just remember, the dominant group in Africa presently are not the only group that lives there, or lived there in the past few thousand years.

  4. the original filipinos of malay origin

  5. Kind of like in the old days when White people like FBI Director Hoover found out he had some Black blood in him , he totally denied it. I was in the Phillipines for 3 years. I saw the Negritos and they were dark and had African features, but dark skin is looked upon as day laborers and field workers. They can say all they want to, but they are not Asians. They are Pacfic Islanders like Fiji and Somoa etc.

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