
Why do Food/Drink companys make c**p?

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im sick of all these companys who make such Fatty products, and sugary products, whilst they say its still healthy and reduced Fat/Sugar, its still OVER the TOP, i mean u buy a Pizza it has alot of Saturated fat + Sugar!, you buy a Yogurt and it has like 12g's of sugar in it? like What the **** is wrong with companys? cant all Food be Made Healthly these days, or ALL the companys Money Greedy Pricks!!!???

P.S it just Boils my blood, to know companys couldnt care less about Peoples HEALTH.




  1. because the better it tastes the more the people buy it

    therefor the more money they make!

    they only care about money.

    that's why i make alot of my foods from scratch. its much healthier and tastes alot better!

  2. Well I'll tell you why they make products that people buy.   For one reason and one reason only.   Money.   If people buy what they make, they will keep making it.

    If someone is concerned about their health, they should _moderate_ their food intake, especially concerning snack foods.  

    The company is NOT your mother, or your father.   They are NOT RESPONSIBLE for what you eat.   They put a product out there, and if you buy it and eat it that is YOUR CHOICE.

  3. What can you expect? It's all processed. They have to add in so much "c**p" in order to keep the product from going bad. Any chain restaurant/fast food will have 90-100% of the food already premade and frozen in packaging, just so everything is the same taste/size/quality. It all comes from one factory, delivered all throughout the world. They have to come up with something so the food products being delivered can survive.

  4. Fat and Sugar are 'flavor enhancers' and sell product.

    Bottom line in any business is:

    maximise profit while minimising cost

    Sugar and Fat provide the taste most people are looking for in fast food.

    The company only cares about the bottom line: profit.

    The only true way to control what you eat is to grow all your own veggies, raise all your meat animals, and process and cook all your own foods.

    Otherwise, you're going to read a lot of labels, spend a lot more on your food, and probably eat a less than exciting diet of bland, lifeless foods that more resemble cardboard than food.

    Welcome to the 'modern' world of mankind.

  5. Because for some reason America will still buy it.  Most advertised food nauseates me too!

  6. It's just all part of the free market.  They make what people buy.  Only when people start demanding and buying healthy food will they make more of it.

    I suggest you go to a natural foods store and get your stuff there.  Then you don't have to deal with this.

  7. I agree 100%.  Now keep in mind it takes alot of searching to find honestly "good" food these days.  This is the only thing I wish big brother would regulate for us.  I know I can just not buy the fatty foods but it is SO much easier to find c**p food.  Half of the time it's not really even food, just processed sugars, some sort of filler/base and preservatives.  America needs to realize this.

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