
Why do Forex accounts harass you to death?

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I opened a mock forex account and the broker calls me all the time trying to force me to put money in my account. How desperate are these guys for accounts?




  1. You gave them your number? Maybe you should ask yourself why did you do that. These guys are no different than any other company that has your number - they will call until you tell them take me off your list or I will file harassment charges against you. Good luck, try and use common sense next time. My wife has the same problem as you in giving out our number - it pisses me off to no end.

  2. Online forex brokers are required to maintain a certain amount of capital or they will be shut down.

    IMO, online firms that are aggressive in getting people to trade with them are either undercapitalized and wants to generate more business, or they have just hired a bunch of salesmen to generate more business.

    If i were in your shoes, I'd move my demo account to a different online broker. Pick out the top 5. These brokers will let you trade a demo account with the least solicitation. Maybe an email every now and then.

    I trade with They have a demo account that you can trade without limit. Although I get email from them once a month for the demo account, this is more to update me on latest developments, than to get me to open a live account with them.

    Hope this helps.

  3. That's happened to me before too; very annoying. I'm using the demo account with Forex Tracer now.

    Here's an article I found about it if you're interested:

  4. They are salesman.

    They get paid when they sell you.

    They be trying to sell you.

  5. The whole forex system is built in such a way that you lose... the quicker you get in, the quicker you've lost your money and they have it! I have a forex account, and if I don't trade for a period of time, they send me a 'polite' reminder that they are still there if ever I want to throw anymore money away! It just so happens that it appears that my method works so they can be patient while I rape and pillage them :-).

  6. Friend it seems that your broker are just too professional to get leads and do business or either you are not actively involved in forex trading thus loosing your margin money. Forex markets are too volatile and your investment goes on fluctuating. If you leave your investment in their hands then definately you would run into losses.

    This is their business to invoke people to deposit more and more money. But you have to take care of your account. Try to find some good broker who takes care of your investment well. I am with FINEXO since 2 years and never faced such problems. they are very good at their work, but the condition is i have to regularly update my portfolio.

    My suggestion would be to change your broker and balance your portfolio well to avoid any such situation.

  7. They're not forcing you to do anything.

    They guy calling you is a salesman.  You expressed an interest in his service.  He gets paid to convert you from an inquirer to a customer, just like any other salesman.

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