
Why do French Bulldogs drag their butts?

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We have a french bulldog and lately he's been dragging his butt on the couch, the grass, the tile, the carpet. Does anyone know why they do this?




  1. It's not a breed thing, some dogs just do it.  Usually the dog is trying to express its anal glands.  All dogs have anal glands, which are normally expressed naturally with bowel movements, but some dogs tend to have issues with them.  A lot of the time it has to do with the dog's diet.  Take him to the vet and explain the issue -- he'll likely need to have his anal glands expressed.  It's a very common, simple procedure; dogs have it done all the time just like regular nail clippings.  However I wouldn't try to attempt it yourself -- it's not pleasant.

  2. Probably needs to have his anal sacs expressed. They're probably impacted which is uncomfortable for him. The vet can take care of it quickly!

  3. Check the anal glands then check for worms.

  4. its not just frenchies,.

    my mollie did this when w first rescued her to later found out she had hook worm..

    the eggs and larve are on the a**s and it itches terribly so the dogs scratch it.

    or if there is poo on his butt he might try to get it off, if there is poo on his butt take him to the vet to get his analglands checked.

    take him to the vet though just to be safe,  

  5. I wish I had a a french bulldog.

  6. anal glands!! you need to take him to the vet so they can squeeze it! or it has worms

  7. Most dogs "scoot" their bums around on the ground because they either have

    a) Worms. Should be easy to fix by giving worming tablets regularly.

    b) Enlarged anal glands- these can be drained by your local vet, its a very smelly procedure as the anal glands are used for marking territory.

  8. my dog did this a while back, he's not a french bulldog but the vet said this is what they do. They need to have their anal glands extracted. yes i know how fun that sounds. You can do it yourself, but a vet is much more qualified to do it, and it's pretty gross. Its not too bad though $$$wise. This is just what i hear is the reason why dogs do this a lot, a little and they might just have a t**d stuck, but a lot is something more. Is he l*****g his butt, or where he scoots too?

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