
Why do Germans trash Americans, but act exactly like them?

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Yesterday I got on a tram in Frankfurt and there were two Britney-type teenage girls on it who, like so many, thought the world was their stage (it's not!). One had the bottom of her shoes on the seat in front of her like she owned the place, and an old German lady got on to sit down there and gave that young lady an earful! "Schimpfen" of the first order about getting the seats dirty! The two young airheads acted like the woman was mean, which made her even worse. By this time, I was really enjoying it. Then one guy sitting across from me agreed openly with the old lady. EMBOLDENED by a rare show of moral courage and doing what is RIGHT by Germans, I even piped in my agreement "In Ordnung!" The girls became subdued and embarrassed and got off at the next stop.The ATTITUDES of people! They are supposed to either sit and converse in a civilized manner, or sit like KNOTS ON A LOG and wait for their next stop! I cannot STAND people who think they can do, say, and act in any way they like!




  1. Oh Please, watch MTV for a while and that may help answer your question.

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