
Why do Global Warming whackos have blinders on?

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They will only believe what Al Gore tells them is the truth. Yet, old Al is so mired in his crusade that he wouldn't debate the truth b/c it would make him look like what he is: a Jackass.

The whackos do not realize that their movement is nothing less than communism on a global scale...all for blaming humans for causing a problem that we most likely didn't cause.




  1. I don't know, why do those "whackos" that think they know more about climate science than real climate scientists keep believing global warming isn't real?

    There's no reason for Al Gore (not a climate scientist) to debate anyone about a scientific theory that has already been debated and reached consensus in the climate science community.  Calls for public debates are the last desperate refuge of those who can't prove they are right in a legitimate forum (e.g. scientific peer reviewed journals and conferences).

  2. Those blinders are made of US currency.  It's amazing what science will buy if you have the right amount of cash.

    Dr. Hansen sold his objectivity to John Kerry for a mire $250,000.00

  3. You mean whackos like:

    99+% of the scientists in the world?

    There's vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Almost every major world leader?

    These conservatives?

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

    Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

    Do you honestly think these people are getting their info from Al Gore?

  4. They are not smart enough to understand that Gore and the rest of the leaders of the global warming hysteria are doing this solely to make money and gain power.  What do you think is going to happen when we have to start paying for carbon credits?  If you think gas is expensive now, wait until there is an additional carbon offset tax per gallon.

  5. They also don't want to admit they're wrong. But eventually they'll have to, since I predict that small increase of the global average temperature is going to start a major trend downward. We only saw the first year of this cooling off cycle that could last about 20 years - that all depends on how long this less active solar cycle lasts.

  6. I look at this way GW is bogus, but I've always held the believe that change was over due. If one can't utilize their resources, whats the point. We should work with the environment but it shouldn't be opinionated by a select committee. Most of their questions go unanswered, or have political and economical ties. Politicians, and corporate leaders play both sides of the fence. One is orientated to votes the other to Federal grants.

  7. The blinders are for keeping you propagandists (deniers) from tainting the real science.

  8. Don't blame Gore.  That whack-job big liberal George W Bush was the last President to say Global Warming is real.

  9. Climate change is a money and power grab scheme by the bottom feeder politicians and power brokers. It's nothing to do with ecology and everything to do with money.

    Con artist and politicians (here unnamed, but you may call him "Mr. Environment") have enriched themselves on this issue, taking home Oscars, Nobel Prizes and millions of dollars. Meanwhile, evangelical leaders are setting up their flocks for extreme fleecing by leftist politicos who will speak with great charm in the appeal for Christian votes by talking in glowing, biblical-sounding terms about "being good stewards of God's creation."

    Here is truth about global warming:

    Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

    The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

    This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

    Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is

    becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

    As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

    When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

    It's been happening for millions of years.

    The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

    As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

    Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':

    Humans did not cause it.

    Humans cannot stop it.

  10. Whooo-Hooooo finally one who agrees with me...Kudos to you my friend, and yes Al Gore is a Jackass

  11. My opinions on global climate change are based on months of research, poring through Internet sites, newspaper and magazine articles, and books.  I didn't even see (or read) "An Inconvenient Truth" until about a month ago.

    I'm thinking though, that you don't know what communism is, or how it has impacted people's lives, or you wouldn't cavalierly say what you did.

    Let the blame fall where it may. If you want to make believe a while longer, be my guest.  In the next five years you'll see a lot of government action throughout the world, as mitigation and adaptation plans are implemented to try to curb the effect.  After that, within 10 years, you won't be able to play denier anymore.  You will be the whacko, though no one will call you this because they'll be busy taking care of business, which will be done a bit differently from here on out.

    If it's a debate you want, you certainly have a funny way of going about it.  You catch more flies with honey, didn't you know that?

  12. I had a have conducted a study indicating that unless everyone sends me $100, the Earth will suffer a catastrophic change which will threaten all of mankind.  I really can't provide scientific facts or anything that would stand up to peer-scrutiny..... but I can assure all of you that it (whatever it is) is going to happen.

  13. "a problem that we most likely didn't cause."

    this is the failure of your statement. Do you want to really find out what happens if you're wrong?

  14. Oh really?  Who has the blinders on?

    I n every town and hamlet we first take the prime areas and remake them for our purposes.  The cities we live in today were filled with waste from bank to shore in the late 19th century. It turns out that estuaries are the single most important habitat on the planet.  Inland, lowland areas along rivers and streams serve the same purpose.  In North America we filled them all in 100 years ago.  The Mississippi was once miles wide.  Now it’s channeled from Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico.  We are on our way to fishing out the oceans.  Many formerly important fisheries including such species such as Cod, have been essentially fished out. We cut down mangrove swamps to make room for shrimp farms.  When you create the shrimp farm by destroying the mangrove swamp, you have destroyed the ecosystem that once protected ocean species and helped clean and regenerate the ocean.  You would be better off just fishing the oceans in the first place to avoid all the additional losses of habitat, protein and energy.  The same is true for land based farming.  You add fertilizers and pesticides to gain productivity.  It takes energy to make chemical fertilizer and pesticides. You gain productivity in the short term, but you do so at the cost of killing the soil, despoiling the watershed and wasting energy.  You have to add more and more chemicals to just to maintain the same level of productivity.  Eventually the soil is so depleted that there is no natural resistance present to prevent runaway pathogens.   How much water can we pump out of the ground before the aquifers are dry?  Evidence abounds from around the world that they are drying up now. How much waste can we dump on the ground and in the ocean before it becomes so concentrated that we end up eating the waste in our food?  We have warnings today about mercury in Tuna and warnings are posted on rivers and streams across the country that the fish is “unfit for human consumption”.  You have PCB, dioxin, PFOA, PBDE in your body fat (and breast milk) right now, as does every top-of-food-chain predator around the world.  How many oil spills can we have before every beach and landscape has been fouled?  How much ocean dragnet trawling can we have before the entire bottom of the ocean is scraped off and there are no more fish spawning grounds?  We’ve been drag-netting off Cap Cod for since the early 70’s.  Once these areas have been destroyed they are not going to regenerate in our lifetime, not in 100 years or 1000 years.  These ecosystems were tens or hundreds of thousands of years in the making.  How many millions of tons of road salt can we spread before every stream is dead?  We exploit the Colorado so fully that it has to be desalinated at the border to make the water usable for our Mexican friends, and then it dries up in the Baja before reaching the Gulf of California.  Insert names of other rivers around the world that have been treated the same way.  How much untreated human waste can we dump into rivers and streams; or treated waste for that matter?  Sewage plants do not treat waste water even close to restoring the water to the pristine state it was in before it was pumped out of an aquifer.  Sewage treatment removes solids and fecal bacteria and breaks down detergent and some other simple contaminants.  It does nothing for the decomposition products of those reactions.  Treatment with chlorine introduces another whole class of halogenated organic molecules.  Treatment does nothing for the thousands of other chemicals introduced from the mixing of industrial and household chemical waste with human waste.  So much simple human waste is flushed down the toilet that un-metabolized pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical metabolites are now present in measurable quantities in surface water all over the US.  The water pumped out of aquifers and diverted from rivers is contaminated with agricultural chemical waste, industrial chemical waste and human waste and then dumped back into the environment on an unimaginable scale every minute of every day.  Huge ocean dead zones have formed where rivers empty all around the world.  Frog populations around the globe are being wiped out by a mysterious fungus.  No one is sure of the origin or if it is related to stress from pollution. The Russians have been pumping millions of gallons of highly radioactive toxic waste directly into the ground in several places in the Arctic for 30 or 40 years.  North America has been logged over at least three times since the 1700’s, but we still have to go after the last virgin two percent that’s left.  Why?  The dominate species of trees on the east coast of the US were once Chestnut and Elm in massive forests from Tennessee to Maine.  Now they are all gone because of simple hitchhiking pests.  Now we have Oak Blight and Emerald Ash Borer.  One theory for the loss of conifers in the Blue Ridge is due to constant low level foliar fertilization. How long before all trees become so stressed we lose entire forests and are only left with a few hardy “weed” species?  Honeybee’s, on which 40% of all agricultural production depends, are now dying from a new unknown reason, possibly related to a new class of pesticides, or viral infection due to environmental stress, separate from the mite infestations that have been decimating colonies for the last 10 or 20 years.  In West Virginia they are now lopping the tops off of entire mountains to get at the coal.  The tailings fill in entire valleys.  What was once an unspoiled landscape where generations of families harvested wild North American Ginseng are now featureless mounds.  And the surrounding wells produce a toxic slurry instead of mountain spring water.  So after we have used all the coal - we will have – no mountain ecosystem, no local economy, no water, millions of tons of more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, tons of mercury in the environment and last but not least, no more coal.  Then what do we do?  Copper is another good example.  It has been calculated that 2/3 of the recoverable copper on the planet has been mined.  1/3 is in the ground, 1/3 is in use, and 1/3 is in landfills. Why would we mine out all the copper, with all the attendant degradation from mining, rather than conserve and stop putting copper in landfills?  Ozone has thinned all over the world; the “holes” are areas of greater thinning at the poles.  I think I read once that the guy who invented Freon would inhale the gas to prove it was harmless.  Except that once the molecule reaches the stratosphere ultraviolet light splits it and frees the chlorine, each atom of which is then free to destroy a hundred thousand ozone molecules.  Climate change is beginning to change temperature ranges and precipitation bands so that populations of native plants and animals are “moved” out of their native zone too quickly for them to “move” or adapt.  Migratory birds depend on food sources along the route.  If food sources produce just a few days out of sequence, the birds will die of starvation.  This is happening now.  This has always happened, the problem now is that it is happening much too quickly for species to adapt.  Read the reports about Inuit hunters who can no longer rely on stable ice and weather to hunt.  Their life is changing today.  I read about an Air Force pilot would take his kid out to the lake and spend the day fishing and watch the four engine jets traverse the sky.  See, look, one contrail will expand and spread out to cover the sky from horizon to horizon with one thin cloud.  For the three or four days after 9-11 there was an unexplained increase in solar insolation in the US.  It turns out that aerosols and cloud formation from jet exhaust have been blocking sunlight.  This now has to be figured in to atmospheric climate calculations.  There are 10’s of thousands of flights daily around the world.  

    Since the advent of global transportation, plant and animal species have been transferred around the world at an increasing rate.  It is estimated that a new non-native species is introduced somewhere in the world every day.  The cumulative effect of this will be to co-mingle all the species of the world.  The effect of this is unknown, however it is currently estimated the eventual effect will be the extinction of 70% land species the world over.

    We have effects of chemical pollution, biological pollution, alien species invasion, climate change, habitat destruction, water resource destruction and not to mention direct human harvesting of species, which is using an estimated 40% of incident solar energy and 40% of land surface.  How many concurrent global assaults can the ecosystem bear?

  15. This is the origin of the "problem". The whackos started this hoax back in 1975.

    My 2 cents.

  16. The way I view it, it is much like somebody's belief in in their religion.

    Science has nothing to do with religious beliefs, it only deals in facts.

    All that is necessary, is to have their belief, and someone to follow,(no matter how misguided), facts do not matter!

    I have also wondered whether or not this is 'communism on a global scale', but I now believe it to be nothing more than simple ignorance, stupidity, arrogance, and the willingness of people to be 'ripped off'.

    True communism could never exist in the human race, due to man's basic greed.

    I did see something a while back that I thought was quite good.

    It went something like this:


    What is the difference between Capitalism and Communism?


    Capitalism is a system in which 'man exploits man',

    With Communism, it is the other way around!

    I do have to say that anyone who follows Al Gore is just as misguided as anyone following GWB!

    Both are egomaniacs, and have no intention of anything other than making  obscene profits and trying to achieve global domination.(my belief).

  17. There is NO reasoning with hard core leftists.

    Have you read the beginning of this Hoax:

    Also go to this web site - sign the grass roots petition and watch the 'lefties' FREAK!!

    We can drive the price at the Pump Down!

    Drill Here - Drill NOW - Pay Less

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