
Why do Guatemala and Mexico Hate Each other?

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First of all is this True?

If it is can someone explain?






  1. Even though we are both Hispanic Ignorance is the main reason for rivalry. I did research/University term paper on Mexican households and culture, I have many mexican-american, central american and south american friends, co workers and worked with a predominately Hispanic community for many years. From what I've learned and seen this is what i have to say....The way society looks at every latino as "mexican" is an insult to those that come from other cultures and beliefs. Unfortunately, Mexicans are looked by society as immigrants that never pursue further knowledge or education to better themselves or their kids, do just the basic work no one else wants, allow themselves to be exploited, never pursue learning English because they are too "proud," having 5million kids, gangs and leaving a pigsty when they go to the beach, parks, etc. Even if you are not mexican and u look Hispanic you are still labeled "mexican" and this is what can p**s other Latinos off because of the negative label that comes attached to being categorized as mexican. This to some feels demeaning because we are in fact different and dont want to be labeled as such. In the Central/South American culture you are taught about the hardships your parents endured before migrating and u are taught to excel to become educated, self-disciplined and confident so that you succeed rather than being driven to becoming another teenager pregnant by fathers never being supportive to their wives and daughters to succeed or build confidence, drinking every weekend rather than spending quality time w/family, beating&abusing their wives, etc. Both Mexican men and women have an anti-feminist mentality. They believe wifes and daughters are the child rearers, should do all the house work even for their bros, grandpas, uncles, dads(even George Lopez states this in his jokes, "the girls do all the work and the boys dont do s***!")  while the men and sons show they are a "man" by their sexual endeavors and dominating their women. Many central and south american moms work and are very independent, go to school, care for their weight/appearance, dont let the man dominate them or abuse them, teach both their daughters/sons to do their own housework vs. sadly most mexican moms are pushovers, get cheated on, stay home because their husbands dont "allow" them to work, get fat because they are "controlled" by their mate, made so insecure by their husbands, bad dieting and having an unneeded amount of kids. In the Hispanic society native mexicans are known for these factors. There is nothing wrong with cultural pride and heritage but continual arrogance is too much and boasting that your country is so great and better than the rest all the time gets old, if its so great why arent they there? In addition to this, may i add that I've had friends be discriminated against by their "in-laws" simply because they were not of Mexican parents. I personally do not have anything against my mexican-american friends but I do however hold a resentment towards their parents, fully mature adult mexican natives that have had their ignorance, selfishness and macho ego contribute to their offspring's unsuccess & insecurities. Many of my mexican-american friends ended up pregnant as teens or soon after. I am American(Guatemalan made) and have a Mexican-american partner for many years. And last but not least let me give u a piece of history if u must insist on a difference and "pride"....

    When the Spanish colonized Tenochtitlan, Mexico they ended the Aztecs. To my knowledge I know no pure blood indigenous Aztecs in Mexico( yes, there are indigenous people there but not Aztec and no! Chiapas does not count, those would be Mayan descendants).

    When the Spaniards tried establishing a colony in Antigua the Mayans in Guatemala were so united and firm in the fight that the Spanish were unable to dominate them, exploit or exterminate them and so they abandoned the colony. Today over 50% of Guatemalan population is pure blood indigenous and still speak Mayan dialects.

  2. They do not hate each other, they are both proud and nationalistic people.  They have a healthy but not hostile rivalry between them.  For example, a Mexican will talk about a volcano, and the Guatemalan will say that theirs are bigger.  Guatemalans will talk about Mayan ruins, and the Mexicans will say their sites are better.  You get the idea.  They both refer to each other as uncivilized and poor.

    You can see a similar type of rivalry between Oregon and California, as well as Georgia and Alabama.

  3. Well it is true in some time Mexico stole Guatemala part of land. When it comes to soccer games their is always a fight whose better than who. I experienced this. Well Guatemala soccer game won 3-2 against Mexico. The mexicans were mad

  4. It's not that they hate eachother, there has always been a friendly rivarly between the two countries.  It gets especially heated during soccer matches between the two countries.  But for the most part, they are pretty civilized with eachother.  If you are from the US, think of it as the kind of friendly rivalry you have with Canada.

  5. ain't even way (jose?)

  6. My dad (who is originally from Guatemala) told me that some Fill in the blank Guatemalan politician or such sold the state of Chiapas for guns (or to buy guns)...  Did Mexico steal it from the Guatemalans?  Don't know, because my mom is a Mexican-American.  There is some rivalry between the two, but not like the South Koreans and the Japanese, or the Chinese and the Japanese, or the Argentines with the Brazilians etc.

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