
Why do Haitians and Jamaicans hate each other?

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  1. Jamaicans were brainwashed by the Brtish masters. After the revolution in Haiti in 1804, the British masters divided Jamaicans and Haitians created them to hate each other because the British were afraid of the Haitian revolution who coul be spreading in Jamaica.

    During the Duvalier dictatorship in Haiti, the regime always bashing Jamaicans and tell the people of Haiti in that time that Rastas in Jamaica were dirty and they always smoke weed and they are lazy because the Duvalier regime were afraid of that Rastafari movement who coul be spreading in Haiti and take over their regime.

  2. not even its  based  on  ignorance  

    haitians  was  enslaved  french  

    jamicians  was enslaved  english

    do you  see  french  and  english  has  compeition  ?

    jamcians  and  haitians  never  needed  a  reason  they  would  reside  in  each  other  . they  actually  more  silimar  than  you and  they  know  .

    and  they  have  the  same  nature, and  both  highly  compeitive  

    ( i graduated  high  school with  alot  college  credits  and  i went  to college  to do my  final classes  , so did my  jamcian boyfriend  we  both  law  anyways  we  graduating  phd  this  year  and  we only  20 i know  )

    but  we  know  what  we  are  the  same  nature  and  we  find  as  compeition .

  3. because they both are greedy

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