
Why do High St Stores leave the lights on all night?

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If we are striving to save on fossil fuels, seperate our rubbish and pay for shopping bags, Why do I constantly see the big name high street stores awash with lighting throughout the night.

Surely it would be better to have unlit signs, which would save the stores money and the worlds environment ?

Would you like too see your local council enforce this type of bye-law ?




  1. It could be for security and also for advertising. I agree though, like many office buildings, they should turn the lights off when not in use.

  2. If this happened city centres would be very dark indeed at night and the issue then would be public safety.Normal street lighting would not be enough to lift the gloom for the simple reason that city centre buildings are normally much taller than in the suburbs.

  3. People work there, cleaners, stock clerks, and others. A lot of the stock comes in at night, so it is easier to unload, and  according to what I heard  it is a lot better for the transport that bring it in.As regards saving electric... well thats a farce anyway, as the Government wastes more than anyone. Tell them to switch a few lights off after leaving their Offices.Plus whatever we try and do in this Country... what is the use when the rest of the World just ignores it, and continue to do what they like. As a good example take the USA who do not care a d**n about anything. I know as my Daughter lives there, and she agrees.

  4. Probably so their CCTV will be able to pick up any intruders.

  5. Oh yes, I am with you all the way here.  Note also that a lot of smaller shops now have shutters that they put down at night so I do not see why the bigger shops could not do this as well.

  6. Unless there are still staff working ie re-filling the shelves,stock taking or cleaning.Then yes stores should switch off,they could make a thing of it...'.marcos and spenders'  'doing their bit for the enviroment '

  7. yeah it would probably be a good idea to save money and turen them off

    but i think the idea is they are less likely to be robbed if the lights are on bright as someone would see..

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