
Why do Hispanics thumb there noses at our immigration policies?

by Guest65783  |  earlier

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Why do Hispanics thumb there noses at our immigration policies?




  1. Because they're arrogant racists who have been badly misguided by the ASSlan flunkies.

  2. because our government encourages this.....Bush wants to be president of Mexico when he finishes s******g up the US

  3. They have no regard for law and order.  Have you ever been to Mexico?  Turnpike gas station bathrooms are cleaner than that place.

  4. Because this immigration policy does not safeguard immigrant's human rights.

  5. because we let them, they(not all) think that they r entitled to our land. I wish they would just come here legally

  6. Because they know somebody has to mix the cement.

  7. They don't, you're just prejudiced.

  8. I don't know about other people, but I have the feeling that they are absurd, humiliating, ridiculous, racists, n***s, discriminating, and many other things, none of them good.

    When we went to the consulate we were told that the visa was ONLY for my wife. The others had to wait until the consulate granted our visas.

    But our relative in Miami was told that the visas were for ALL THE GROUP.

    A friend who worked at the consulate told us that that kind of disinformation was the usual at the consulate

    It is logical to have regulations, but not to play SO DIRTY

    Therefore, if somebody, as you say, thumb their nose at your immigration policies, that is KARMA

  9. Because immigrants come to look for a better life. They wish to work hard and send their children to school.  America's foundation is immigration. Who would do all the dirty work for this country if illegal immigrants didn't exist? I doubt any white person would gladly join a construction company or become a janitor or a landscaper and be willing to work for little money and still be happy that they have a job. Honestly when was the last time you saw an illegal money begging for money outside of a freeway? They beg for JOBS not money!

  10. Because most of the southwest u.s. belongs to the mexicans.  we (u.s.) forcefuly took it away.  If I took your house away, moved in and said it is mine, you would try to take it back whatever it would take, i'm sure.  i'm russian by the way living in u.s.

    U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant said:

    "I do not think there was ever a more wicked war than that waged by the United States on Mexico. I had a horror of the Mexican War, and I have always believed that it was on our part most unjust. The wickedness was not in the way our soldiers conducted it, but in the conduct of our government in declaring was. We had no claim on Mexico. Texas had no claim beyond the Nueces River, and yet we pushed on to the Rio Grande and crossed it. I am always ashamed of my country when I think of that invasion"

  11. A.) Hispanic is not a race. Get that through your thick skull.

    B.) The majority of illegals are American Indians from Southern Mexico and Central America.

    C.)Not all "Hispanics" or Spanish-Surnamed Americans are here illegally. My neighbors just migrated from Guatemala legally.

    D.) Mexico is far from being the Wild, Wild, West or some third world African nation.

  12. They have no respect for the law or for other people!!!!  Many Americans are waking up to the fact that illegals are tearing this country down. We are now insisting the government do something about them!!!! These are people with no morals or ethics, criminals in the lowest form.

    Report and Deport!!!!

  13. Because we are stupid.  There is no way we can enforce them and why try?

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