
Why do I all of a sudden feel so sad and inadequate?

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If someone would've told me a few weeks ago that I'd be asking this question, I'd say they were completely crazy. I used to feel great about myself, I was happy to be starting school again, and things were going great with my serious boyfriend.

This week I got so sick I had to be in the hospital and now Im developing a problem with my eye. And school is starting to stress me alot. Now I feel so sad and I cry all the time. Even as a type this. I don't even want to see my boyfriend anymore. We would see eachother everyday, but now I've been avoiding him for the past 5 days and I dont feel like seeing him tomorrow either. I feel like I cant do anything. I feel like a failure. What is wrong with me?




  1. You are down in the dumps. Wait another week, and if it STILL does not pass, I would see your doctor.

    Some wise words from Jim.

  2. Call the free, licensed counselors at 1-800-525-LOVE 24-7.  Tell your story/concerns, they may have helpful insights.

    Experiencing more than one stressful problem or situation at a time can be overwhelming.  Give 1-800-232-6459 a call, business hours, M-F, ask for Counseling dept., they'll have resources and recommendations.

    Your local school counseling service might be good as well.

    "Emotions:  Transforming Anger, Fear and Pain," Marilyn C. Barrick, Ph.D., and "Mindset," Dr. Carol Dweck, are good too.  Be patient with yourself, and let your boyfriend know, by texting or email, that you're feelling stressed by illness and school pressure, that's why you've been avoiding him,  That's good to do.

  3. two things:  First, your body is not you.  We all get sick, hurt, etc in life.  It sucks but

    Second:  Don't push away the people who care about you.  Be honest w/ ur bf and tell him what you just told us.  He should be there for you now more than ever.  If not, then you learned a great lesson earlier in life than most ppl do.  

  4. Often after serious injuries and illnesses we begin to percieve things differently. Call it the contact with mortality but our views are warped. For some(usually depressed) individuals it seems they go the opposite of you. Things become very happy and nothing is as grave as it once was.

    I feel you have found the reverse. Things were going great and maybe you wondered after you went into the hospital that things wouldn't, or couldn't continue that way. You need to see your boyfriend assuming things between the two of you are going well. And you need to live happily. Do not allow things to stress you out, and do not try to cut yourself off from the world and from people. Understand that things WILL always get better even if they don't seem like they will right now.

    I know it's not as easy as it sounds, but sometimes just understanding that you'll once more see things in a brighter light will be enough to keep you going.

  5. it's probably that you feel sick from the physical problems you had and you had to go to hospital for. you don't feel well and you don't want to see anyone and just don't care about anything. just take a good rest and you'll feel better.  

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