
Why do I allways act so guilty??

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I've just gotten out of the habbit of lieing against myself, but I still feel guilty all the time. I know I'm innocent but I still feel like other people doubt me, and so people get that vibe from me that I am guilty. Make sence? Example. For weeks we have been doing a section on the diffrent types of drugs. I was assigned an essay on Cocaine. People have allways thought I was on coke because I'm so d**n hyper and random, I hysterically laugh in class for apsolutly no reason And everytime our teacher gives a lecture I atomatically start acting like a convict. I'm nervous and guily, I cant look anybody in the eye, and tehn I force myself to because I know that if I dont they'll think somethigns up. I've never done drugs, allot of my friends have/do drugs but I've never physically seen drugs ever.

Why am I like this?




  1. In my view Ur so insecure about a  lot of things around you, this tends to make you  act n feel wearied.

  2. Two things come to mind...

    One is internal, you may feel guilty about something you did in the past or you might be ashamed of some harmless personal thing you do now. Your feelings of guilt over the past thing or private thing may cause you to feel as though people are judging you or think you are doing something bad. For some reason it is common for teenagers to go through a period where they feel other people know or can sense secrete stuff even though that feeling is not rational. It must be a development thing... like how little kids can think God is personally watching them in regards to private things like stealing loose change or stealing a candy or lying to their parents. This is them externalizing their own conscience... teenagers are entering a new relationship with society and themselves and can have the irrational fear that anything they are ashamed of is somehow obvious to other people. In fact not much is obvious to other people as most people are mainly concerned primarily with themselves and don't notice or care about what is going on with someone else.

    The second thing that occurs to me is that people actually are responding to you as if you are being deceptive, some people end there statements with the inflection of a question, particularly Canadians and girls... they are simply seeking feedback on their comments, an indication the person is listening, or they want to sound polite and not overly forceful. Some people associate that manner of speach with lying, especially if you are shy and don't make enough eye contact or if you are weird and stare in people's eyes. They think you are lying and the the questioning tone in your speach is to check if people are buying what you are saying. When I first moved to the USA from Canada people thought I spoke like the "Liar" from the TV show Saturday Night Live because I ended all my sentences with a question mark. I have heard girls in America speak this way but not so much boys. Anyway, if you are shy of eye contact and have a certain speech pattern like pausing, stuttering or the 'question intonation' people might think you are lying or just find your speech strange or "stoned" sounding... you might be picking up on that reaction and being over sensitive to it leading you to feel guilty.

    Hope this helps :)

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