
Why do I always attract certain zodiac signs?

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I'm a Virgo. I keep attracting the same signs over and over again as friends and ones I want to date/marry. The main ones I keep getting are Scorpios, Pisces and Cancers. Though I get along with them well, they seem to think they can change me and get me to lighten up. Also, they tend to attach!

Other signs are Tauruses, Capricorns (who are more practical and logical) and Geminis and Aries (which I tend to talk a lot with).

Why do I always attract certain signs and not others? Is this observance normal or something I'm reading too much into?

Thanks for the explanation.




  1. Because that is who you are compatible with.

    I am a Aries.

    Usually i am compatible with all my friends.

  2. You are absolutely not reading in to this!  This happens to all of us.  Can't say though that it is always because these are the ones that you are most compatible with because I attract signs that are not really my best match a lot but it seems in your case you are attracting the signs that are your astrological matches.

    It's funny how that works but I am thinking about my close Virgo friends (I am a Sadge and I have a fair amount of Virgo friends- two that I am super close to and one that I like a lot) but I also have my Mercury in Capricorn- hmmm, maybe that is why, or maybe it is because I have a Gemini rising--okay okay sorry about that.  Ummm where was I...oh and so these Virgo friends of mine typically do have the signs that you mentioned as their close friends or love interests too:-)

    I wish mine was more clear cut but because I am a Sadge I can really be friends with anyone and so I am but not all of the relationships are as enjoyable.  I do like Virgos though so you need to add some Sagittarius in there;-)


    Sun: Sadge

    Ascendant: Gemini

    Moon: Leo

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