
Why do I always end up with the wrong guys/girls?

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When I like them they like someone else why this and what do I do!!!!???




  1. Maybe you should decide if you want guys or girls, and then wait for them to like you first. That way you at least are covered.

  2. Don't give up hope, you will find someone.  Some people make it look easy finding relationships, but I have gone two and half years being single.  I've been there and it's extremely frustrating.  

    First of all, it takes time to find the right person and it's hard to do.  That's why people talk about "the one" instead of "the many."  

    The best way to find a quality person is to get to know them first.  If you are meeting people in bars or at clubs, that's part of the problem.  Try to meet people through friends, school, work, and organizations you're in.  Once you meet that person, be friends with them before trying to date them.  

    Finally, think about the type of person you go for.  Do you always pick the hottest person out of a room?  Sure I like a good looking person, but a lot of times they're conceited, self-involved, and they're players.  If this describes the type of person you're attracted to, try to go for someone a little more down to earth.

  3. (A guesstimate, absent more info.) Take a look at your parents' roles / relationship. You're probably choosing people who play out a parent from whom you didn't receive the attention you deserved / needed. Re-enacting rejection. Choose healthier women / men. (You'd get more answers under singles.)

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